Author Archives: Miss Peattie

P4 Field Trip

This week, Primary 4 went on a field trip to Kilsyth Main Street.  We measured the length of Main Street (a whopping 220m!) and recorded the names of all the shops on both sides of the street.  We also stopped to look around Market Street, the Cenotaph, the Band Stand and the Miner’s Monument.  Primary 4 managed to have a great time despite the weather and learned lots of new information about the local area which we will use to create our class map of Kilsyth.

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Global Citizenship Committee 2017-2018

The Global Citizenship Committee had their first meeting on Thursday 14th September. We had everyone from Nursery to Primary 7. Our first meeting was very productive. We discussed the subject of Litter and the importance of starting a new campaign to encourage all pupils, staff and parents of Balmalloch to ensure we are putting all litter in the bin. A new campaign ” We are keen to stay green,” will be launched on Monday the 2nd of October. Also that week we will be raising awareness of Global Citizenship and having a Global Citizenship week in school. All classes and the nursery will be involved in this. It will include investigating a variety of topics such as Sustainability, Energy and Health and well being. Watch this space for more updates.

The Global Citizenship Committee bloggers.

Together everyone achieves more, TEAM P4/5!!!

We have had a busy couple of days in P4/5. In Literacy we created visualisations of the character Mrs Garrow from our class novel ‘The Invisible Dog.’ We have started learning about 24 hour time. It was tricky to begin with but we are beginning to get the hang of it. In PE we were using a variety of problem solving strategies, it was so much fun!! We now feel settled in our class and have decided that our class motto is; Together everyone achieves more!!! TEAM P4/5

By Kyle, Michaela, Cole and Emma, P4/5 bloggers.

Lets Go Fly a Kite!

Primary 5 have designed kites as part of their flight topic. We went outside to test them out but unfortunately there wasn’t enough wind to make the kites fly high. Here are some pictures of our kites. They will also be on show at our Open Evening on Wednesday! Come and see them!

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Swimming and Fitness

This week P5’s had their first swimming lesson at the Kilsyth pool and they played some team games at the Garrell Vale. This is what they thought:


Iona- Swimming and the Garrell Vale was fun.

Andrew- I liked the backstroke in swimming.

Carla- Our swimming teachers are Lisa and Steven.

Amy- I really liked the swimming it was a lot of fun.

Beth- Rebecca our coach was really fun.

Grace- I liked playing races along the hall.

Dylan- I liked the front stroke.

Lewis- I am little bit scared to go in the deep end next week because I have never done it before.

Zara- I liked doing the breast stroke.

Louise- I liked doing the back stroke.

Rachel- I liked when we played in the pool.

Maths fun in P4/5

Today Primary 4s used the skills they have been learning in their Time topic to play a selection of games. We played match the digital to analogue time. We worked on the iPads to read times on the clocks and answered time questions on smart pals. We had so much fun!!!

(by P4 bloggers, Sam, Sophie and Alexi)

Friendship in Primary 4/5

Today Primary 4/5 have been discussing the importance of Friendship. Many of us have enjoyed making new friends and working with old friends. We decided that a good friend is someone who always listens, is helpful, kind, caring and reliable. Primary 4 have been made very welcome by Primary 5 and we know that they will be good friends to us this year.

By Kirsty, Emily and Finn (P4/5 bloggers)