Today we took our first trip to our woodland adventure site. We all had such a great time; building dens, swinging from trees, dumping off mountains of mud and lying relaxing in our hammock.
Author Archives: Miss Bannister
June SHANARRI Superstars
Rose – I washed my hands before my dinner
Rebecca – I held Grandpa’s hand when I crossed the road
Ruby – I have tried lots of healthy foods including cucumber
Rose – I worked hard at my gymnastics class
Matthew – I did super work during my hearing test at the hospital
Olivia – I have been doing extra rehearsals for my dance show
Charlie W – I have been doing keep fit.
Orla – I helped make pancakes
Cali – I brushed my teeth all by myself
Rosie – I ate all of my macaroni then had a fruit picnic.
Kristen – I ate all my lunch and I’m going to Papa’s for tea.
Archie – I made a healthy choice and had a huge bowl of strawberries.
Greg – I asked if I could try watermelon.
Amelia B – I went camping and went to sleep in the tent.
Andrew L – I got dressed all by myself.
Caden – I have been enjoying showers everyday and washing my own hair.
Lexi – I got my first stripe in Little Tigers and got promoted to 1st Cub.
Abbie – I slept in my own bed all night.
Finlay – I am now wearing big boy pants.
Connor – I slept in my own bed all night and wore big boy pants and went to the toilet in nursery.
Eve – I dressed myself for nursery.
Lewis P – I counted to 29.
Alexander – I can find all the letters in my name.
Austin – I slept in my own bed all night.
Lauren – I made headbands with my Daddy.
Kieran – I slept in my own bed all night.
Neve – I learned to go a bike without stabilizers.
Zac – I have been the best boy helping my mummy and daddy.
Kayden – I dressed myself for nursery.
Archie – I can now do my own seatbelt.
Rhea – I am trying really hard to listen to the teacher at dancing.
Mason – I helped my childminder look after baby Oscar today.
Lucas – I spent 2 weeks on holiday with lots of my family. I loved being with them all.
Jessica – I slept in my own bed all night.
Darren T – I took Olly for a walk today.
Lewis Mc – I stayed in my own bed.
Farai – I have been a very good friend to Matthew.
Rose – I helped Auntie Louise dig in the garden.
Alfie – I went down the big slide at Adventure planet.
Alex – I done amazing in my gymnastics show.
Lexi M – I have learned how to do a handstand into bridge at my tumble class.
Sophia – I had lots of fun at the beach and enjoyed running around playing and building sandcastles.
Reia – I walked up the steep hill to nursery without being puffed out.
Greg – I was a super boy at sports day.
Kaylee – I have been well behaved at Grans house and tidied up all my toys.
Amelia B – I let my Mummy cut my nails.
Chloe – I done good listening when asked to stop when out a walk.
Cameron – I was a good helper at the post office and held Mummy’s hand to cross the road.
Ruby – I have been very careful and have looked after my little sister.
Maia – I tidied my room all by myself.
Charlie C – I was such a good boy at a wedding on Saturday. I sat and listened really well and danced all night.
Rosie – I helped my Gran Carol put away all the shopping.
Charlie C – I spent 2 weekends watching my sister dance in competitions. I was the best supporter ever.
Connor – I ate toast.
Lauren – I was Princess Belle at my birthday party. I included all my nursery friends.
Oliver – I helped my family get our old fridge-freezer out. I was a great help.
Rosie – I helped my mum with the washing.
May / June 2017
Another amazing month of SHANNARI superstars !!!
Kristen slept in her own bed.
Lucas sat really well at the optician. He is also going to the toilet all by himself, making sure he flushes the toilet and washes his hands.
Oliver ate brussel sprouts.
Bobby has been drinking lots of water.
Holly T has been eating all her fruit.
Rose has been trying new food.
Daniel has been doing all his exercises and has been eating healthy foods.
Kayden has been eating her lunch.
Neve washed her face when asked.
Lucy made homemade bread.
Maia sat nicely at the table and ate all her dinner.
Ethan went on a woodland walk AND tried chicken with Yorkshire puddings.
Cameron choose watermelon as his snack.
Matthew went on a very long walk, all the way from Kilsyth to Croy.
Amelia B ate all her dinner with no fuss.
Kaylee made homemade jam.
Rory has been going running with his Daddy in preparation for a big 4 mile run.
Kristen can ride a two wheeler bike.
Charlie C got dressed all by himself.
Ethan can ride a two wheeler bike.
Greg behaved so well at Millport with his family.
Lauren made a hair band.
Lewis P was bouncing on his trampoline.
Georgia shampooed her own hair in the shower.
Rosie ate all her lunch.
Oliver hasn’t been throwing toys.
Ava has been getting dressed by herself.
Lexi has been riding her bike.
Andrew has learned to put on his own shoes and clothes.
Xander put on his eye patch by himself.
Connor made his own breakfast.
Zac was realyy brave at the hospital.
Lewis M was safe at swimming.
Caden has been brilliant in the shower.
Junior has been sharing his toys.
Nico helped to tidy his room.
Sophia was good at getting dressed for her Nana.
Zac settled his sister on the plane.
Kaylee held her little cousins hand when crossing the road.
Kristen can fasten her seat belt.
Jessica bought a toy for her little brother instead of a toy for herself.
Maia shared her necklaces with her little sister.
Archie has been so good at learning how to stay calm when he needs to be.
Rosie W helped her Gran hang out the washing.
Caden has been sleeping in his big boy bed.
Andrew loves being with his Gran, she even teaches him the names of flowers.
Lucas loves to spend time with his Granma and Jo Jo’s.
Oliver climbed the climbing frame at Cumbernauld play park.
Neve played really well with her friends at the park. She then was star of the week at gymnastics.
Charlie W played well in the graden and he even helped his Papa do some gardening.
Lucas M enjoyed soft play and helped others to climb.
Eilidh walked to nursery.
Zac was jumping in the pool on holiday.
Darren T tool Olly, the dog, for a walk.
Bobby has had good manners all week.
Mrs Merrick was so proud of all the nursery children for a wonderful week in the garden Everyone was so well behaved.
Rebecca is always respectful and polite when speaking to Mummy and Daddy.
Kieran helped his Dad landscape the garden.
Cameron helped his mum carry the shopping.
Lewis P helped his Mummy ay the supermarket.
Lucy has been taking care of her new pet chickens.
Lucas helped his mum wash and dry the clothes.
Austin slept in his own bed all night, he got dressed and brushed his teeth by himself.
Amelia B helped look after her Mum and Nana when they were poorly.
Mason helped his friends play a game of colours.
Archie helped Mummy clean the windows.
Alex has kept her bedroom tidy.
Alexander has kept his room tidy.
Andrew has been helping his big sister keep their room tidy.
January SHANARRI Superstars
Austin can swim without his floats
Mason held his childminder’s hand when walking outside
Lexi Mc built a bird box, using the hammer and nails safely
Rebecca crossed the road safely
Abbie was at the swimming with her armbands
Oliver holds his mummy’s hand when walking to nursery
Greg ate all his mince, potatoes and carrots
Rosie drank all her milk
Amelia took her inhaler like a big girl
Lucy ate all her lunch and drank water
Kayden ate all her carrots and turnip
Lucy Mc was good at getting her eye drops in
Mason gave his dummy to Santa for the new babies
Kayden has been doing so well in her swimming lessons
Eilidh has become very good at brushing her hair
Connor made scones with his mummy
Rose ate all her breakfast
Chloe is enjoying trying new foods
Darren N ate all his dinner
Lexi M walked to nursery
Lexi Mc joined in RSPB bird watch
Olivia cycled 1 mile around Drumpellier Park
Lauren went ice-skating and loved it
Maia learned to tie a bow
Reia walked all the way to nursery
Maisie dressed herself
Eve cycled her bike to nursery
Rosie showed her cousin all around the nursery
Matthew was a wonderful helper during nappy change time!
Lauren has been watering and growing a hyacinth bulb
Neve let mummy brush her hair….no tears
Abbie loves to help her nanny and pop
Aaron takes care if his baby brother in the bath
Kayleee gives the best cuddles ever!
Abbie taught her dog Toby a new trick
Alexander slept in his bed all night
Xander has been helping papa in the garden
Holly C slept in her own bed all night
Isla has been helping to look after her baby brother
Connor gives his gran big kisses and cuddles to make her happy
Cameron slept in his own bed all night
Caden can jump into the water with arm bands on
Rosie helped her mum do all the washing
Cole rode his two wheeled bike right to the top of the hill
Caden slept in his own bed all holiday
Matthew passed his first Taekwondo grading
Andrew spotted numbers and letters when he was in Glasgow
Austin stayed in his own bed all night
Georgia dressed herself for nursery
Neve put her indoors shoes on herself
Cali made her very own necklace at Sunday school
Rebecca made her own glitter bath bomb from her science kit
Lucas is starting sentences with “I” instead of “me” now
Kristen picked and read 4 bedtime stories
Neve played well with her toys, letting her mummy get her hair done!
Archie respected guests who visited his house showing very good manners
Charlie listened and followed all his instructions
Amelia let her mummy wash her hair
Darren T helped his aunt with the shopping
Amelia B sleeps in her own bed all night now
Lucy R helped mum clean the clothes
Austin did a great job tidying his room
Ruby went straight to sleep at bedtime
Matthew put both gloves on with no help
Olivia put her own shoes on today
Jessica was very helpful cleaning the house
Sophia has been working very hard at her swimming lessons
Alex made her own bed this morning
Kieran wore his glasses all day
Matthew was a super audience member at a Christmas concert
Cali shared her new toys with her friends
Mason played the parachute game with friends today
Junior has been sharing his toys with his sister
Oliver played nicely with his brother and sister
December has been a busy month, we have had so many superstars!!
Matthew walked safely to the hospital, he waited at the side of the road before crossing.
Bobby looks both ways when crossing the road.
Rosie holds her Mummy’s hand when crossing the road.
Chloe is doing super walking holding Tricia’s hand.
Oliver puts his seatbelt on himself.
Rose walked very carefully on the gritted path so she didn’t slide on the ice.
Zac looks after his sister and keeps her safe on the walk to school.
Neve used scissors safely with mummy’s help.
Rhea looked both ways before crossing the road.
Xander told his Mummy that its not safe to put lego in your mouth.
Maia brushes her teeth every morning and night.
Thomas ate his breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Rory tried a tomato.
Alexander chose to have fruit with his breakfast.
Kayden ate all her breakfast and lunch.
Lucy Mc has been choosing lots of healthy snacks.
Daniel had haggis, neeps and tatties for his St Andrews day dinner.
Lewis made homemade soup.
Ethan tried pasta.
Charlie W ate all of his chicken dinner.
Lauren has been trying lots of different foods.
Georgia learned how to roller skate without holding her Mummy’s hand.
Lexi Mc has been practicing the nursery Christmas songs.
Austin slept in his own bed all night.
Olivia took part in a singing competition and won!
Greg built a castle using lego.
Caden helped his Mummy and Daddy put the Christmas decorations up.
Hope can write her own name.
Cooper has learnt how to use his inhaler all by himself.
Lucas can jump in and out of the swimming pool all by himself.
Abbie was really good at putting the Christmas decorations up.
Aaron slept in his own bed all night.
Holly woke up during the night to use the toilet.
Isla has been practicing her reading.
Alfie slept all night without his dummy.
Kieran put his own socks, trousers and t-shirt on.
Reia was very brave and took her medicine.
Alaina can now write Mummy, Daddy and Aiden all by herself.
Junior dressed himself for nursery.
Rebecca can write her full name and she has learned Twinkle Twinkle on the piano.
Cali was Mary in her church Nativity, she was fantastic.
Archie can zip his own coat.
Mason shared his grapes and chocolate coins with Mummy.
Maisie said she loves everyone in her family.
Sophie sang Happy Birthday to her big cousin Adam. He felt happy.
Amelia was great at her first gymnastics class.
Maia learned to do a forward roll.
Chloe was wonderful at her ballet dancing show.
Mason helped hoover his room.
Mikaylah is doing great at her swimming lessons. She can put her head under the water.
Eve went a big walk to Home Bargains with her Auntie Margaret.
Rosie visited her Gran’s cousin Beth’s pups, she was very gentle.
Ruby only has her dummy at night time.
Maia found Alexander’s library book.
Jessica put on her own clothes and zipped her jacket.
Connor tidied up all his toys.
Holly sang happy birthday to an 82 year old at the garden centre. she made their day.
Archie included his little sister at the stay and play day.
Oliver helped his Mummy and Brother put up the Christmas tree.
Christmas Dinner!
We had a lovely Christmas dinner with all our friends; we had turkey, potatoes, sausages, cranberry sauce and tangerine. It was delicious!