Author Archives: Miss Bannister

Our World

We created a world for all their friends to play in. They had water for the sea animals, sand as the desert for the cars, a farm for the animals and a house for the people.


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Jack helped mum and dad grit the driveway and street to keep everyone safe.

Mason stopped, looked and listened before crossing the road.

Lexi told her mum to take her hand to be safe on the icy path.

Calvin held on very tight as he rode on Fudge the pony.

Rosie was fantastic at her dancing practice.

Amelia helped to decorate the Christmas tree and didn’t break any of the decorations.


Lilly got her jags and was very brave.

Ruby has been trying lots of different foods.

Calvin had a healthy dinner and ate it all up.

Amelia had an eye test and done everything the optician asked.

Lucas C has stopped biting his nails.

Ella ate all her roast chicken dinner.

Mason got his eyes tested and was very brave getting drops in.

Emily had broccoli for dinner.

Olivia tasted fish and chicken and managed to eat all of it.

Charlie has been eating lots of green vegetables and he had soup for his lunch.

Maia ate all of her dinner.

Lily ate all her dinner and fruit.

Connor had a healthy breakfast.


Lauren made a sand art picture of Anna from Frozen.

Ellis slept in her own bed all night.

Zac tried potatoes.

Alan slept through the night with no accidents.

Ivy slept in her bed all night.

Cameron has been practicing counting to 100.

Billie tidied her bedroom all by herself.

Jack wrote his name for the first time independently.

Cali helped at swimming lessons.

Ruby done very well at her dance show at the Mitchell Theatre.

Lilly completed her puzzle that was in her blue bag.

Ava took part in her dance show and she was fantastic.

Emilie learnt how to hold her leg stretch at dancing.

Abbie went to pony riding lessons and learned how to groom the pony.

Hope slept in her own bed all night.

Sophia was fantastic in her dance show.

Connor put all his clothes on by himself.

Isla helped her mummy clean the dinner dishes and cleared the table.

Connor F helped his mummy do the dishes, hoover and clear the table.

Lily got herself dressed.

Aaron helped mummy tidy the room.

Lauren learned all the days of the week.

Mason performed in his Christmas sing-along at his child minding group.


Emily happily looked after her papa Dodds all weekend, cheering him up by singing and dancing.

Ruby has been helping to teach her sister to crawl. Now she follows her about everywhere.

Dixie helped her Auntie Gemma look after her little cousin Millie as she wasn’t feeling well.

Mason is enjoying wearing his classes.


Connor Q done his nursery homework. He danced with his sister.

Darren won the Hide the Chipmunk game.

Ella learned to do a forward roll.

Mia walked all the way to nursery from her house.

Lexi joined gymnastics. The teacher told her she has a good attitude and is naturally strong.

Lewis learned how to swim under water.

Lauren rode her bike at Rouken Glen all by herself.

Lilly was a superstar at her swimming lessons.

Cameron K climbed all the way to the top of Barhill with his family.


Dixie has been helping to keep her room tidy.

Sophia has been very responsible and tidied her bedroom while mummy got Harry ready.

Kaylee helped look after Mummy when she wasn’t feeling well.

George-William helps his brother clean his room.

Scarlett got a responsible certificate for going to the bathroom by herself.

Holly T looked after her Granny when she fell off a ladder.

Charlie was such a good boy at Nanas.

Caden has been setting the table for breakfast in the mornings.

Craig helped Mummy put the shopping away and make dinner.


Scarlett done good sharing with her family.

Lilly has been using the 5 minute sharing rule.

Rosie got her boots off all by herself.

Darren handed in a box of food for the food bank.


Mason helped his friend Harris blow out his 1st birthday candles.

Cali was an angel in the church nativity. She learned all of her lines and did a great job.

Billie helped put up the Christmas tree.