Rights Respecting Action Group

As you will know, Balmalloch Primary School is a Rights Respecting School.  At the end of last session, we were proud to achieve our 1st Level Award in May 2015.  We are now working hard towards achieving our 2nd Level Award.

To help with this, 8 members of the Balmalloch Primary School Rights Respecting Action Group visited Woodlands Primary School in Cumbernauld today.  Woodlands Primary have already achieved 2nd Level and the purpose of our visit was to allow the pupils in the Action Group to find out what we in Balmalloch are already doing well, and what our next steps are to help us achieve second level.

Our visit was a great success and the pupils have returned to Balmalloch with lots of super ideas.  We would like to thank the staff and pupils at Woodlands Primary for all their help today.

If you would like to find out how you can help us in our journey towards second level, please contact Mrs Morris via the school office.

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