Today P5 have been comparing facts about Scottish schools with facts about French schools. We enjoyed making our own venn diagrams.
Here are some of the facts we found out:
Libby- They aren’t allowed to bring a packed lunch box.
Ava T- They have to pay for textbooks.
Melissa- School starts at half 8 until half 4.
Ava B- They might have half days and don’t go to school on a Wednesday.
Hannah G- They start school in September.
Farren- They do the register in the morning the same as us.
Lewis C- They start school at 6 years old.
Oryn- They can wear whatever they want to school.
Fraser- They get a longer lunch than us.
Aaron- They spend more time than us in school.
Freya- They can’t bring packed lunches.
Hannah C- You have to have school dinners or go home.
Tres Bien Primary 5!
Well done on your Cool Class Cup!