The staff have been carefully observing and listening to the children over the past month. We have discovered that the children have been talking a lot about PJ Masks, Power Rangers, The Trolls movie, Pirates and Animals. Today the children voted on which interest will be their next topic! And the winner is….a draw between Superheroes and Trolls!
It seems the power of brands won! Sadly even 4 year olds are not immune to the powers of branding. Interesting to watch the children select based a topic purely from a visual. ie. the Animals image is small, has no branding or type, it’s visually the weakest image!!!
Well spotted Lorna. You’re quite right that in fact, the two images on the bottom are smaller. This was because only a few children had talked about these themes over the past month, whereas the top two themes had been talked about constantly and role played by most of the children throughout the previous month. We made it a visual vote this month as we like to vary the way we gather the views, sometimes through mind mapping, discussion, drawings or through visuals. This month the interest in Trolls and PJ Masks has been so consistently strong that we decided to offer the vote this way. And you’re absolutely right…the power of branding really is strong…the kids talk about recent films and TV programmes a lot!!!