Primary 1a’s Amazing Afternoon

Today we had some very exciting visitors. They performed a show for us. It was called ‘A Twist in Time’. Here are some of our reviews:


Scott: I liked all of the people going into the future.


Ross: I liked it when Tom saw Hattie again.


Zack: I liked it when everyone was running.


Skye: I liked the flying kite songs.


Rebecca: I liked the it when the dad said stop shouting but he was shouting.


Amy: I liked it when the little girl came out.


Grace: I liked all of it but my favourite bit was when Hattie and Tom were in the garden.


Kyle: I liked it when Hattie went away.


Cara: I liked it when the dog came out.


Arran: I liked the end of the story.


Lilly: I liked the start of it because the boy had to sit with us when he didn’t listen.


Adam: I thought it was funny when the dog bit the man.


Aaron C: I liked it when it looked all icy.


Ellie: I liked it when they were chasing each other around.


Riley: I liked all of it.


Jaeden: I liked the dog.


Jack: I liked them running around.

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