P2 Guest Writers – Emma, Faye, Jude and Austin

We are sorry we did not write our blog last week, Emma and Faye were off and we didn’t want to do it without them.

The past two weeks we have been working on our two times table, they are easy! We will be moving on soon.

Dog’s Trust came to visit us and we met a nice dog called Alfie.

We took part in Future X and we liked the Hunger Games game the best.

We have been using our Go Noodle account and our new champion is Bart Reynolds.

We made up cat characters and wrote poems about them.

We have been using our smart board to play games to help us with our times tables and pets topic.

Our school disco is next week and we are very excited!

Pets we looked at,

We looked at mammals, we looked at reptiles, we looked at birds, and we looked at amphibians.

By Faye.

Thank you for reading and commenting on our blog.



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