P2 outdoor coordinates

There was lots of active learning in the playground as Primary 2 pupils used chalk to draw grids and find the coordinates.  It helped pupils remember to start along the bottom and walk up to find their grid reference. We made it into a game and if they landed on a drawing they were frozen to the spot.  

P2 Parents Open Morning

Pupils in P2 enjoyed having their parents and guardians in for the second time this year.  This time our learning was about 3D shape.  We built 3D shapes using lollipop sticks and marshmallows and talked about the properties of each of them.  We also sorted 2D and 3D shapes.  It was a fantastic turnout and thanks to everyone who came!  

Primary 5 Technology

Here are Primary 5 enjoying their Technology Challenge at last week’s Parent Open Morning. They worked in their cooperative learning groups to assemble and trial a water wheel, a bit like the one used at New Lanark! All of the water wheels were operational by the end of the session!

New Playground Equipment

The children are having a brilliant time using all of the new playground games and equipment that have recently been purchased. The playground has been divided into zones for different activities and there is a rotation system in place to give the classes turns in each zone. If the children choose to, they can play football, basketball, tig or use the trim trail. However if they’d prefer to use the

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Dojo Delirium in Primary 5

A whole host of young witches and wizards achieved the magic number of eighty this week! Congratulations to all of you! We are now thinking ahead to our next target of one hundred and sixty! Let’s see how many of you get there before the summer holidays!