P5 3D Mosques

Well done to P5 for making fabulous 3D Mosques for their homework task. You all worked very hard with excellent results! Everyone in school really enjoyed admiring them as they passed. Thank you to all parents for your support and encouragement with this.

Rights Respecting School Assembly Presentation

Yesterday Sarah, Sophie and Zara delivered a presentation to the whole school at assembly. This was to inform all pupils about our journey towards becoming a Rights Respecting School. They showed a video clip, shared information and presented a power point about different beliefs. The girls worked very hard preparing for this and did an excellent job. Well done and thank you! Also, thanks to David and Zak for taking

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Rights Respecting School Bronze Award

By now, parents will have received notification in writing that Aitkenhead Primary School is committed to becoming a Rights Respecting School.  A steering group has been formed consisting of 8 pupils who will take the school forward in achieving the Bronze Award this year. Our members are David (P7), Zara, Sophie and Sarah (P5), Jenna (P4), Ethan and Lily (P3) and Eve (P2). The children will speak regularly at assembly

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P5 Kodaly

Primary 5 have really been enjoying their Kodaly music lessons with visiting teacher Mrs MacGregor. They have been learning how to create rhythm through a variety of fun games. The children have also been introduced to reading stick notation and clapping the beats accordingly. Keep up the good work P5!!  

P5 Visit New Lanarkshire Mosque

Primary 5 recently enjoyed a trip to New Lanarkshire Mosque. They were given a tour by the Imam to allow them to put their learning in a real life context.  They also learned about the 5 pillars of Islam and particularly enjoyed their juice and crisps at the end! Thank you to all the parents who volunteered to accompany us and special thanks to Mrs Lees and Mrs Reed  for

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P5 Food Technology – Let’s make Bruschetta!

Primary 5 had so much fun yesterday preparing a Bruschetta – a tasty Italian bread. After carefully washing their hands and putting on their aprons they were ready to listen carefully. They brushed their bread with olive oil and then rubbed a fresh clove of garlic over it. Their next task was to carefully place some mozzarella slices on top. Some careful chopping using the ‘bridge cut’ was then carried

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P7 European Day

Primary 7 pupils enjoyed attending a European Day at Bothwell Primary this week. They experienced a range of exciting modern languages activities including soft tennis, eurobics, mosaics and learning about zoo animals in French. They also attended the French café to order a snack and used tin foil to build an Eiffel Tower!! Thank you very much to Mrs Devine for organising this event for our P7’s to enjoy. Well

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Aitkenhead Raffle Winners

Thanks again to everyone for buying raffles for the P7 Enterprise initiative. The sales made a profit of £97.23 after the children paid back the money borrowed to buy the prizes. Fantastic work P7!! This money will contribute towards your P7 End of Year Treat.  The winner for P1-3 was Ava (P2) and the winner for P4-6 was Lucy (P6). Well done girls!! We do hope you enjoy your basket of surprises.