St Bernadette's

Fairtrade Fortnight


Well done and thanks to everyone who supported our Fairtrade Coffee Morning and tuck shop today.  We raised £220!  This money will be used to start the fund for our partnership working with Namulenga School in Malawi.  We were very excited to receive letters from some of the children from Malawi this week.  Our P6 & P7 classes are preparing responses.

Congratulations to everyone who took part in the cross country race yesterday.  We were very proud of everyone and once again St Bernadette’s proved to be well up for the event with a number of our children being well placed in the race, including 2 first places for Liam and Caitlin Thomson and a second place for Abbie Reid in her first ever race.

Primary 6 have had a very exciting week looking after 10 eggs which have now hatched into 10 fluffy little chicks.  The project was undertaken to enhance the children’s learning in science related to living things.  It has been a pleasure and a joy to visit the class this week to witness the teamwork, patience and nurturing atmosphere which has been very evident.

It was H Factor awards today with winners from P1-P7.  Well done to everyone!

Finally a message from Learning Teaching Scotland.

Supporting numeracy at home – ideas for parents and carers
On the Parentzone website last month we launched a new series of materials to support numeracy at home. The first materials in the series were on Measurement and Money.

Now we have published two further sets of materials in this series. They include ideas for building Numbers and Mental Calculation into everyday activities, applicable to early level right through to fourth level.

The materials consist of illustrations which can be downloaded from the website and handed out to parents and carers.

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