Since returning from the Christmas Break we’ve had a very busy time but also some sad days in school. Our condolences go to Mrs Collins and her family after the sudden death of Mrs Collins’ father at the beginning of term. This week, we were all delighted to welcome back Mrs Collins after her absence, and have promised to look after her well during this difficult time.
We were very proud of our first H Factor award winners of 2014. You can see their photos below. The children have voted for a change of reward as most children now have a number of the wrist bands and the new rewards will be arriving shortly. I am sure everyone will like them and wear them proudly.
We have many plans in place for the coming weeks and months. Very shortly work will start on the community plot, the materials have been ordered and building should start in the next few weeks. The plot will be based in the St Bernadette’s Church garden so that it is accessible all year round. We will be looking for volunteers from the Parish and the Community to help the children with the growing and harvesting. Please contact me at school if you are able to help in any way.
Recently P4 visited the Science Centre and P6 took part in a very informative and fun workshop at Motherwell Heritage Centre entitled, “Hitting The Bottle.” The workshop was designed to explore the effects and dangers related to alcohol and drug abuse. All children spoke positively about their experience. This week P3 will also visit the Science Centre and P1 & P2 are going to Summerlee Heritage Park for a workshop.
P7 are very excited as next Tuesday they have been invited to part of the live audience for Comic Relief does Glee at the BBC Studios. We were delighted to be invited again and are grateful to last year’s P7s who must have given a very good account of themselves for our school to be invited back again.
Tonight we have the Sacramental meetings for the parents of the children in P3 & P4 who are due to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation or Holy Communion this year. 7pm & 7.30pm – every child should be represented.
All our P6 class have this week signed up for the Pope Francis Faith Award. We were honoured to have been chosen as part of the Pilot for this very prestigious award. We are confident that the process involved will have a very positive impact on all our children, their families and the school. Fr Stephen will be a great support in helping to keep the children on track for a Parish Commendation as well. All parents of P6 pupils are invited to an enrolment service on Sunday 23rd February in St Bernadette’s Church at 11am.
The P7 cooking classes have gone really well and we are now looking to recruit our P6 parents to become involved in the next series of lessons. Please contact the school if you are interested.
On Friday P7 are going to put their new cooking skills to good use. Mrs Mohan our EAL support teacher has volunteered to help them prepare an authentic Indian Curry to link with P7’s India topic this term.
We are also looking to further our partnership with Namalenga School in Malawi. Our plans are taking shape and we will have a busy schedule of events coming up.
The tickets are now on sale for the family night on Friday 21st February. The PTA are hoping for a good turn out so make sure you get your tickets early. £2 for adults, £1 children or £5 for a family ticket.