Category: News

Free CyberFirst Adventurers – Booking Now

GCHQ Cyberfirst course – this is not a school course.

These short courses are designed to introduce 11-17 year olds to the world of cyber security.

CyberFirst Adventurers

A free 1 day non-residential course aimed at 11-14 year olds. The course consists of four themed modules offering interactive, hands on, self-guided, exploratory learning that reduces the amount of time spent in traditional instructor led presentations to the very minimum.

Check out all courses and locations at


N5 – Input Validation

Today we looked at the following problem

Write a program which will allow a user to input only a number in the range 0-100. An error message will be output if the number is invalid.

The program will output a message when the number input is valid (after the loop for checking the number).

We then worked through Analysis, Design, Implementation and Testing of the program.


Input – a number

Process – check number is between 0 and 100

Output – a message about the numbers validity


We looked at all three design methodologies and created designs in our jotter.


  1. Declare Integer Number
  2. Get Number from user
  3. While Number < 0 OR Number > 100
  4.     Display “Sorry that number is not valid”
  5.     Get number from user
  6. End While
  7. Display “That is a valid number”


Structure Diagram

Implementation in Python

number=0 # declare number as type integer
number = int(input("Please enter a number from 0 - 100 "))
while number < 0 or number > 100:
    print("Sorry that number is not valid")
    number = int(input("Please enter a number from 0 - 100 "))
print("That is a valid number")


We tested the code with Normal, Extreme and Exceptional test data.

BGE – HTML Links

The anchor tag <a></a> in html 5 is used to create a hyperlink between two documents. The <a></a> surrounds text or an image that then is used to activate the link stored in the href attribute.

<!doctype html>
<title> Page 1 </title>
<h1>Page 1</h1>
This is a <a href="page2.html">link</a> to page 2

In the example above the word link is linked to page2.html.

N5 – Arrays (revision)

To read and write information to an array in Python we must first create the arrays, lines 4&5 do this for us.

The for loops on lines 8,12 & 17 are used to process each of the arrays in turn

  • The for block for line 8 and 9 gets the 10 subjects and stores them in the subjects array.
  • The for block on line 12 and 13 displays each subject name and stores the marks for that subject.
  • Finally lines 16-20 display the information from each array in one table.
# get and display 10 subjects and marks

# create two arrays to store the information
marks =[0]*10

#Get all the subjects
for index in range(10):
    subjects[index]=input("What is the name of subject" + str(index+1))

#Get all the marks
for index in range(10):
    marks[index]=int(input("What is the mark for " + subjects[index]))

#display subjects and marks
print("-"*25) # Pretty divider
for index in range(10):


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Test Post – Python Code

Using <pre />

print("Please enter your name")
name = input()
if name == "Bob":
    print("Hello " + name)
    print("Sorry only bob allowed " + name)

Using Plugin :)

print("Please enter your name")
name = input()
if name == "Bob":
    print("Hello " + name)
    print("Sorry only bob allowed " + name)

What line contains the conditional statement? You can see the answer below.

print("Please enter your name")
name = input()
if name == "Bob":
    print("Hello " + name)
    print("Sorry only bob allowed " + name)