Author: Mr Stratton

Computing teacher and a PT at Coltness High School.

Spreadsheet Formula

Today we looked at how spreadsheets use formula. Every spreadsheet formula must start with an equals sign (=), this tells the spreadsheet application to treat the cell contents as a formula.

We use the following mathematical formula in spreadsheets

  • Add +
  • Subtract –
  • Multiply *
  • Divide /

The rules of BODMAS apply for complex mathematical conditions

  • =A1*A5
  • =A1*A5 + 5
  • =A1*(A5+5)

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Spreadsheet Starter Question 1

  1. Name two things that a spreadsheet could be used for?                                    (2)
  2. Spreadsheets are like grids made up of what two things?                                  (1)
  3. What mathematical symbol is used to divide in a spreadsheet?                           (1)
  4. What term is used to identify a cell’s position on a spreadsheet?                          (1)
  5. Name three types of data that can be entered into a spreadsheet         (3)

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Spreadsheets Introduction

Today we started spreadsheets, which are used to store and process numbers.

We looked at how spreadsheets use “cell references” to name cells. These cells can contain Text (labels), Values (numbers) or formula.

You were set a task to create the six times table using excel, this took about 5 minutes on the PCs, tomorrow we will look at how to make creating this faster.

Slides after the jump

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Video – Starter Questions

  1. Which video file formats is uncompressed?(1)
  2. What could be reduced to create ‘mood’ e.g. making a clip look like an old piece of movie? (1)
  3. What is meant by the resolution of a film clip?(1)
  4. What two effects would there be on a file, if the resolution was increased?  (2)
  5. How would quality of visual display be affected if the length of a film clip was cut? (1)
  6. What effect would there be on a video clip if the frame rate was reduced?  (1)
  7. What is meant by adding a ‘transition’ to a frame? (1)