Tag Archives: sqa
Revision for Part 2 of the Prelim
The week after we get back you will have the second part of the prelim this will consist of two section II questions, one on Computer systems and one on Software development. The rest of the paper will be made up from Multimedia questions. To help you revise I have attached The multimedia sections from the 2007 – 2011 SQA papers.
2007 SQA Past Paper Marking Scheme
2007 Computing SQA Exam Intro
2007 Computing SQA Exam Section 1
2007 Computing SQA Exam Section 2 Intro
2007 Computing SQA Exam Q 17
2007 Computing SQA Exam Q 18
2007 Computing SQA Exam Q 19
Online resources
Just a reminder that you have access to a large number of resources you can access even if you are not at school.
- Scholar
- Our Glow Group
- Our Glow Learn area
- Our network area (plan ahead and put it on a flash drive)
- The WWW (its not just for social networking and games)
I have added the powerpoint from today’s lesson to the Glow learn area, I am going to stop add files into the Glow Group and I will convert it to a learning space before the prelim.