Literacy Week

This week is our annual “Literacy Week” with visiting authors, door displays, cross-curricular events and competitions.  On Monday an S1 group from 1M1 beat a team of S6 in a Christmas Literacy Quiz – Well Done.  This event is organised by the English Department and The Literacy Group to emphasise the importance of literacy in all that we do.

More exciting activities will be posted soon.


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Daily Prayers

God sows in the hearts of those who love him. Our preparations for Christmas often overwhelm us with occasions for waiting. We wait in line at stores. We wait in crowded bus stations, train stations, and traffic jams as we travel. We wait for Christmas bonuses, travelling relatives, online deliveries, the cookies in the oven to finish baking, and Santa. Waiting is not, however, a passive action. Waiting is an opportunity to grow in faith, hope, and love. Advent is a lesson in waiting … dynamic waiting … transformative waiting.

Father in heaven, our hearts desire the warmth of your love and our minds are searching for the light of your Word. Increase our longing for Christ our Saviour and give us the strength to grow in love, that the dawn of his coming may find us rejoicing in his presence and welcoming the light of his truth. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen.

Christmas Fayre

Congratulations to everyone involved in making this year’s Christmas Fayre a great success.  This is the one fundraising event which directly benefits our pupils, and it is only possible with the support of pupils, parents, staff and our local community.

Friday Dec 2 was a non-uniform day to raise money and/or tins for the grocery stall, raffles have been ongoing for a couple of weeks and then the actual fayre took place on Saturday Dec 3 – fantastic effort from all involved.

Teaching, janitorial and office staff all worked together to ensure the stalls were set up and decorated the evening before the fayre, and, pupils, staff and members of the parent council helped out on the day.

So far we have raised over £2,000 – Well done.

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Celebrating Success

In a recent talent show organised by AmyJay Lowe and Jack Docherty the girls pictured here showed off amazing talents to come 1st to 3rd.  Nicole Canavan is an expert at tricks while spinning a basketball, Briony sings and plays the piano,and, Holly Henderson is also a wonderful singer.  Well done girls – talent and confidence.


Daily Prayer


candlesAdvent is a season of preparation. We prepare our hearts, families, and homes to celebrate the coming of the Christ Child. It’s also a season of waiting.
We wait to celebrate this joyous feast. We wait and keep watch, just like the disciples, for His return.
In the midst of this waiting, we are called to faith …to cultivate confident assurance in the One whose coming we anticipate.
We are called to hope … to look with joy for the fulfilment of the promises of God.
We are called to love … to give to others from the superabundance

Father in heaven, the day draws near when the glory of your Son will make radiant the night of the waiting world. May the darkness not blind us to the vision of wisdom which fills the minds of those who find him. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.



Tomorrow (Fri 2) is a non-uniform day for all pupils.  Senior pupils will come round classes period 1 to collect either £2 (£3 per family) or 4 tins for the Christmas Fayre.  Lessons will run as normal so pupils must bring school bags and equipment.  non-uniform-day

Science in the BGE

Today saw a visit from a company called ZOOLAB, who specialise in presenting to school children on many topics such as Habitats, Classification, Foodwebs, Adaptions, Biodiversity and the Rainforest.  The photos here are of S3 pupils handling a variety of animals during one of the workshops.

more photos on


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Young Christian Workers

Five S5 pupils took part in Young Christian Workers training last week at the Conforti Centre.

From then they have developed a group of around 12 pupils who are keen to express their faith within the school. The group will work towards a variety of actions across the year and are keen to start with an advent project.

downloadProject One will support the North Lanarkshire Baby Bank and go alongside the work already completed by Mrs Callaghan and Mrs McGhee.  The baby bank have a Christmas event called the ‘Handbag Appeal’ and this is where you come in!

The group are looking for donations of any handbags along with any items from the list below. The bags will be filled and sent to the baby bank to support the mothers of these young children.


Toothpaste                               Tooth brushes
Wipes                                        Deodorant
Shampoo & conditioner        Brushes/combs/bobbles
Lip gloss                                   Nail polish
Moisturiser                              Sanitary Products
Soap                                          Hand Sanitiser
Mouthwash                             Chocolate/Sweets
Hats/gloves/fluffy socks

If you could provide any baby items then the group would be happy to pass them on too.

I hope that you agree that this is a worthwhile cause and that the items we are collecting are things we all take for granted but most mums struggle to buy.

It would be great if you could help the group in any way, any donations can be dropped off in E4 (Mrs Murray’s room).

We hope to get these handbags to the charity before Friday 16th December.

Talent Show

talent-showTickets are now on sale for this exciting and fun event.  Teachers and pupils will be performing a number of different talents to try to win this event.  All the money raised will be going to Beatson Cancer Care – a very worthwhile cause.  Don’t miss out as tickets are selling fast – your ticket is your vote, so your friends need you to be there.

Information For Parents


The Parent Involvement Working Group of the Scottish Catholic Education Service (SCES) are organising an event for all interested Catholic parents with children currently at school.  This Gathering for Catholic Parents will take place on Saturday 21st January between 10am and 12pm in St. Francis Xavier Church Hall, Taylor Avenue, Carfin.  The theme for the gathering is; “Supporting Our Catholic Schools” and parents will have the chance to talk to each other about the matters which are important to them regarding Catholic education and to discuss ways in which they can contribute to the Mission of their child’s Catholic school.

Places for this event are free, but booking is essential.

For further information and to book a place please contact SCES by email: ] or by telephone: 0141 556 4727 or by completing the online form at


Well done to our fabulous Caritas pupils from St Gerard’s and Sacred Heart Parish.  Amy Ellis, Toni Jolly and Caitlin Kilpatrick  led the liturgy, and, Matthew Boyle and Jennifer Borden sung the post communion hymn.



Congratulations to Mrs McGhee and Miss Gallagher on completing the Santa Dash for St Andrew’s Hospice on Sunday morning.  A freezing cold but exciting day with cyclists, dog runners and Santas galore.  download-2


Cardinal Newman High School, Bellshill, North Lanarkshire Council

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