HOPE for Autism Monthly Community Drop-ins

HOPE for Autism Monthly Community Drop-ins

After the success of last year, HOPE for autism are continuing to host monthly ‘Community Drop-in’ events across North Lanarkshire in 2023. This is a place where a family member or professional can come and seek information to help support an autistic child or young person either diagnosed, waiting to be diagnosed or considering an autism diagnostic assessment.  There will be a range of staff from HOPE available to speak with as well as other professionals who work in the field of autism who can share support /advice and signpost families to appropriate services. Please note that our Community Drop-ins are open to members and non-members of HOPE for Autism and will run 10.30am-12.30pm.

This support is funding by North Lanarkshire council. Due to the high demands of new referrals coming into HOPE we aren’t able to offer one to one support as previously offered. This is an alternative opportunity to get support from our team.