Dear Parent / Carer
SQA Examinations: Senior Phase Exam Leave – May 2 till June 2 2017
Exam leave for senior phase pupils S4 – S6 begins on Tuesday May 2 and will finish on Friday 2 June 2017 (inclusive). All pupils in S5 and S6 will have exam leave.
S4 pupils who are sitting any National 5 qualifications, regardless of the subjects involved, will have exam leave for the whole of the SQA examination diet i.e. May 2 till June 2 2017 (inclusive).
Pupils on exam leave may still come to school to study. The library and other ICT facilities will be available for use. Pupils are also able to meet with their subject teachers at the times displayed on their current senior phase timetable.
Pupils who are entered for National 4 qualifications only will not have any exam leave and will follow an amended timetable alongside a planned programme of events.
If you wish to discuss this letter further please do not hesitate to contact me at school.
Yours sincerely
T. McDade
Depute Headteacher