Daily Prayer – Friday, 18 March 2016

God of today, of yesterday and tomorrow,joy-in-life
We are your people, created in your image.
In our diversity we have strength;
in our shared humanity a common hope,
a vision of life unbound by time.
We have come together to celebrate,
to reflect and to recommit ourselves to your work.
Shake us out of our complacency, rock our comfortable certainties
And challenge us to recognise the face of Christ in the eyes of our neighbour.
May our hearts be open to the challenge of your call to true freedom,
Our minds and hands ready to grasp the opportunity for change.
Inspire us with your message, open us to the joy of your word,
And guide us to the heart of truth, today and always. Amen.

School Prayer
Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.
I live it completely for You,
Through you,
With You and in you. Amen
Blessed John Henry Newman, Pray for Us.