Daily Prayer

“Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who sets the planets in motion.” ― Isaac Newton

Isaac N
Reflection: Sometimes it is very easy to dismiss something because there appears to be no rational explanation or if something becomes too difficult we can easily give up on it. Sometimes time can show us eventually what we need, we just have to trust that the route to it might not be something that is immediately obvious to us.
Prayer For Increased Faith and Mercy
Increase in us, Lord, the faith you have given us, Look after the pupils of Cardinal Newman High School that during this Catholic Education Week they will have the chance to become, even more, people of loving compassion, humble in seeking forgiveness and merciful in pardoning the offences of others. AMEN
School Prayer
Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.
I live it completely for You,
Through you,
With You and in you. Amen