Daily Prayer

The Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord


Today the Church celebrates the feast of the Presentation of the Lord which occurs forty days after his birth.  At the temple Christ is recognised as the Messiah by Simeon  and Anna who were  dedicated to prayer and fasting and so were able to recognize the Messiah.

On this day, the Church demonstrates its gratitude to all those in the community who dedicate themselves in a privileged way to prayer, to those who have a particular religious vocation to the contemplative life.  Jesus’ presentation in the temple, also reminds us that time could not be better spent than in prayer and contemplation as  those who pray and offer penance, like Simeon and Anna, are open to the breath of the Spirit. They know how to recognise the Lord .

Almighty ever-living God, we humbly implore your majesty that, just as your Only Begotten Son was presented on this day in the Temple in the substance of our flesh, so, by your grace, we may be presented to you with minds made pure. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen

Hail Mary….


School Prayer

Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.

May I live it completely for You,

Through you,

With You and in you. Amen


Blessed John Henry Newman, Pray for Us.