Daily Prayer

Friday 20th January 2017


St Sebastian was a fervent servant of Christ.  Although he did not see any need for combat Sebastian joined the army so that he would be able to aid the confessors and martyrs in their sufferings without suspicion.  He went to Rome, the scene of bitter opposition arising from the Christians’ zeal for the faith. Sebastian was discovered and every effort was made to turn him from his faith but he would not.  He was ordered to be put to a post and pierced with arrows. When everyone thought him dead, a devout woman named Irene arranged for his burial during the night; finding him still alive, she cared for him in her own house. After his recovery the emperor ordered him scourged until he expired. His body was thrown into a sewer.


We reflect today on the suffering of Christ. Following Christ the Suffering Servant, Christians are called to solidarity with all who suffer.


Hail Mary …….


School Prayer

Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.

May I live it completely for You,

Through you,

With You and in you. Amen