Daily Prayer

Tuesday 13th September 2016 – St John Chrysostom
IntrSt Johnoduction
St John Chrysostom was Archbishop of Constantinople, the capital of the Roman/Byzantine empire (which is in modern day Turkey) in the 4th Century and is one of the Early Church Fathers. He was a great public speaker and was well known for his preaching, especially against the abuse of authority, both in the Church and in Civil matters. Chrysostom comes from the Greek meaning ‘golden-mouthed’.
He said that happiness can only be found by looking inward and learning to enjoy what you have. How many of us continue to be obsessed with whatever it is that don’t have? How often do we look elsewhere for happiness in material possessions instead of inward at ourselves to see what we need?
For those who are searching,
That those who are seeking meaning and purpose for their lives may “come and see” and find in Christ the teacher for whom they search.
School Prayer
Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.
May I live it for You,
Through you,
With You and in you. Amen
Blessed John Henry Newman, Pray for Us.