Daily Prayer

Think about the person that looks after you? Mum, Dad, Gran, Sister, etc. What do they do to make your life ha25th April 2016 prayerppy, healthy and peaceful that you don’t usually see them do it or even pay attention to them doing it? (making lunch, going to the shops, doing the laundry, smiling when you need encouragement, quizzing you on a spelling test). Now think about the things the Holy Spirit does for you to make your life peaceful, happy and healthy. Think today about how we can show God how thankful we are for the Holy Spirit and those who look after us.

Jesus, our brother, thank you for loving us and calling us to follow you. Help us to listen to your Word and follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit and those who love us. IN your name we pray. Amen

School Prayer
Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.
I live it com
pletely for You,
Through you,
With You and in you. Amen
Blessed John Henry Newman, Pray for Us.