What is Curriculum for Excellence?
Curriculum for Excellence aims to provide an improved, more flexible and enriched curriculum for all children and young people from 3 – 18.
The purpose of Curriculum for Excellence is encapsulated in the four capacities
to enable each child or young person to be a Successful Learner, a Confident Individual, a Responsible Citizen and an Effective Contributor.
What are the curriculum areas in Curriculum for Excellence?
There are eight curriculum areas:-
Expressive Arts Religious and Moral Education
Health and Well Being Sciences
Languages (literacy) Social Studies
Mathematics (numeracy) Technologies
Education Scotland CfE Curricular Areas Site
Learning is divided into two phases:
1. Broad General Education (BGE)
This phase is from Nursery to the end of Secondary School Year 3.
Learning is divided into levels.
The new levels are as follows:-
Early | the pre-school years and P1 or later for some |
First | to the end of P4 but earlier or later for some |
Second | to the end of P7, but earlier or later for some |
Third & Fourth | S1-S3, but earlier for some |
2. Senior Phase
This phase is from Secondary School Year 4 and beyond
Senior Phase | S4-S6 and college or other means of study |
Education Scotland Senior Phase Site
As part of the developing skills for learning, life and work, young people will be offered careers information advice and guidance to ensure they leave school and enter a positive post-school destination of higher education, further education, pre-employment training, employment (including modern apprenticeships), activity agreement or volunteering.