Category Archives: Events

Scottish Government Update

Dear Parent/Carer

As you may now be aware the Scottish Government has updated the guidance for schools today and it has been published on their website.

The Scottish Government has announced that from Monday November 2 all S4-S6 pupils in North Lanarkshire are required to wear face coverings in classrooms as well as in corridors and communal areas. Please ensure your child has a face covering when coming to school and please discuss with them that these must now be worn in classes. Your co-operation with this latest Scottish Government guidance for schools is appreciated. Young people have been very supportive to date.

North Lanarkshire Corporate Communications will also be issuing their own communication via the usual social media channels over the weekend.

Please get in touch if you have any questions regarding the new guidance.

Thank you again for everything you are doing to support the school during the current situation.

Kindest regards

Robert Smith

Mr Robert Smith
Acting Headteacher

School Captains

After a very competitive interview process. We are delighted to announce the appointment of our new School Captains.

Well done to everyone who put themselves forward.

Head Girl Alex Beattie

Depute Head Girls Amy Boyle and Annie Clarke

Head Boy Liam Shields

Depute Head Boys: Liam Moss and Anthony O’Rourke

Face Coverings in School

Update on face coverings use by pupils and staff

The guidance regarding the use of face coverings in schools is changing

North Lanarkshire Council logo

From Monday 31 August face coverings should be worn by staff and pupils when:

  • adults and young people in secondary schools (including ASN schools) are moving about the school in corridors and confined communal areas (including toilets), where physical distancing is particularly difficult to maintain;
  • adults, young people and children aged 5 years and over are travelling on dedicated school transport.

We appreciate that some staff and children and young people will be unable to wear a face covering for good reasons and that position will be respected.

Staff and pupils should ensure they:

  • bring their own face coverings to school;
  • store these safely in a washable, sealable bag or container when not in use;
  • wash reusable face coverings in hot water at the end of each day; and
  • safely and hygienically dispose of disposable face coverings after use.

Please remember that a face covering can be as simple as a scarf, snood or other piece of cloth which covers the nose and mouth.

Further information on face coverings is available from the Scottish Government website: is external)Opens new window

Full face covering guidance is available on this link: new window





NLC Update 23/06/20

Dear Parents and Carers
Please see following message from Mr Gerard McLaughlin, Head of Education, North Lanarkshire Council.
This message replaces the update we were planning to send you tomorrow. We will be in touch with you again in the coming days.
Every best wish
Robert Smith

Mr Robert Smith
Depute Headteacher
Cardinal Newman High School


Today’s announcement from the Scottish Government outlines the plan to reopen all schools on a full time basis from August.

We are currently considering the practicalities and implications of this announcement and will await further clarification and guidance from government, particularly in relation to public health and scientific advice.

Our priority is the safety of our pupils and staff across our network of primary, secondary and ASN schools, as well as our early learning and childcare settings.

We understand that you will have questions, and as this news was only announced today, we will make further information available on how this impacts on our schools and facilities in the coming days.

We are preparing for pupils to return full-time to school on 12 August and we will be working closely with our schools and partners, including our early years and childcare provision to establish our plans, which we will communicate as soon as we are in a position to.

Gerard McLaughlin
Head of Education (North)