Caritas Prayer Project

Monday 4th September; By Conor Blessing S6


We pray we can excel

Not just as a school but a community

In a society where social media controls the word, faith is considered out of date and selfishness minimises love for our neighbour.

Help us to refuse the negative

Accept the good

Help us to respect not only each other but our parents, families and teachers who want to inspire greatness in us.

Help us to work together as a peer group to reach a mutual understanding and peace, love and respect and to put this into action in the world around us.

We ask this through Christ our Lord


Tuesday 5th September by Nicole Irvine S6

God Our Father,

As you cherish and love us, unconditionally,

We pray that we too grow in love and compassion for others.  To welcome the stranger we meet with open arms.

May we never take for granted, the ultimate act of love shown to us by your son, Jesus, whose eternal sacrifice allows us to be close to you in this life and the next.


Wednesday 6th September 2017 by Tiffany Hammond S6

Dear Lord,

I pray today to you Lord for success in my studies; that my hard work and effort will be blessed by you and the Holy Father in times of stress and worry. I pray not only for me, but for my family; the people who care for me and protect me even through the hardest of days. May my family be blessed by you and be protected by you forever and ever. Amen.

Our Lady of good success, Pray for us.

Blessed John Henry Newman, Pray for us.

Thursday 7th September 2017 by Jesteena Mathew S6

Heavenly Father,

We thank you for everything you have granted to us, let the life we lead may be a life filled with peace and prosperity for everyone to see.

Let your light shine through us, so more people may know more about you. We pray for peace for the world and that we may love each other as you have loved us.


Friday 8th September 2017 (The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary) by Joseph Staitis S6

Mary was born to be the mother of the Saviour of the world, the spiritual mother of all men, and the holiest of God’s creatures. Because of her Son’s infinite merits, she was conceived and born immaculate and full of grace.

Through her, Queen of heaven and of earth, all grace is given to men.  Through her, by the will of the Trinity, the unbelieving receive the gift of faith; the afflicted are tendered the works of mercy; and the members of Christ grow in likeness of their Head.

In Mary all human nature is exalted.  We rejoice in her birthday, as the Church has done from the earliest times.  This is one of the three birthdays in the Church Calendar — the Birth of Jesus (December 25), the Birth of John the Baptist (June 24) and the Birthday of Mary. All three were born without original sin, although Mary and Jesus were conceived without sin, and St. John was cleansed of original sin while in the womb at the Visitation of Mary.

Hail Mary…

Our Lady Seat of Wisdom…Pray for Us