All posts by gw09callaghanclaire3@glow

Daily Prayer

The Desire for Good

God smiles upon us and lavishes rewards upon us for the love we offer to Him and to others.  Our works of love, when inspired by His grace, are transformed into treasures in Heaven.  But that’s not all that is transformed into treasures.  Even our desire to do good and to serve God is transformed.  God sees all things, even our smallest sincere desires, and transforms all into grace.

What do you desire in life?  What do you long for?  Do you find that your desires are attached to sinful acts?  Or do you find that your desires and longings are for the good things of Heaven and the works of God.  Seek to transform even your desires and you will be richly blessed!


Lord, I offer you my heart and every desire within it.  Help me to long for You and for Your holy Will to be fulfilled in this world.  May I desire what You desire and long for an abundance of Mercy in our world.  Jesus, I trust in You.


Our Father …..

 School Prayer

Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.

May I live it completely for You,

Through you,

With You and in you. Amen


 Blessed John Henry Newman, Pray for Us. 

+ Sign of the Cross

Daily Prayer

Thursday 2nd March 2017


Your Word reveals to us a simple truth,
that sin is defeated
and we can become
the people we were always meant to be,
by your grace through Jesus Christ.

Our Father…..

 School Prayer

Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.

May I live it completely for You,

Through you,

With You and in you. Amen


Blessed John Henry Newman, Pray for Us. 

Daily Prayer


We pray and are thankful of the people around us.


God of Love,
I thank You for the people in my life
who are easy to love.
I thank You for my family and friends
who understand my actions,
who support me in my decisions,
and whose presence can lift the burden of a thorny day.

Help me with those who are difficult to love.
When they come at me with criticism
and wild expectations,
when they ignore me
or try to bend me to their will,
let me recognize their flaws and their dangers.
But then let me remember your attitude toward them,
and lead me to see them
in the light of Your love.

As St. Teresa of Avila said:

“In all created things discern the providence and wisdom of God, and in all things give Him thanks.”

Our Father….

 School Prayer

Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.

May I live it completely for You,

Through you,

With You and in you. Amen

  Blessed John Henry Newman, Pray for Us. 


The last day for handing in monies for hoodies is next Friday, 3rd March. The yearbook team need the money up front before they can process the order. Can you make sure you give your total to the House Captains who are dealing with this before 3pm on the 3rd March!!!


Each total varies from £18- £21 depending on the specification of text.


Daily Prayers

Tuesday 21 February 2017


St Peter Damian

Bishop and Doctor of the Church

 Born at Ravenna in the year 1007.  After completing his studies he taught for a short while but then gave it up and became a hermit at Fonte Avellana.  He was elected Prior of the community and strenuously promoted religious observance both there and in other parts of Italy.  In the difficult times in which he lived he helped the Roman Pontiffs by his writings and acted as legate to reform the Church.  He was created a Cardinal and Bishop of Ostia by Stephen IX.  On his death in the year 1072 he was immediately venerated as a saint.

We pray that by the example of St Peter Damian, we will prefer nothing to Christ and to make the service of the Church our chief concern so that we come to know the joy of your eternal kingdom.

Our Father …..

 School Prayer

Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.

May I live it completely for You,

Through you,

With You and in you. Amen


 Blessed John Henry Newman, Pray for Us. 

Daily Prayer

Monday 20 February 2017

 Blesseds Jacinta and Francisco Marto


Francisco Marto and his sister Jacinta Marto also known as Blessed Francisco Marto and Blessed Jacinta Marto, together with their cousin, Lúcia dos Santos were the children from Aljustrel near Fátima, Portugal, who said they witnessed three apparitions of an angel in 1916 and several apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1917. Their reported visions of Our Lady of Fátima proved politically controversial, and gave rise to a major centre of world Christian pilgrimage.


We pray that like Jacinta and Marco, we may have the courage to open our hearts to you and welcome you into our lives, we ask this through the intercession of your blessed Mother.

Our Father……..

School Prayer

Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.

May I live it completely for You,

Through you,

With You and in you. Amen  


 Blessed John Henry Newman, Pray for Us. 

Catholic Education Week

Pupils attending Mass this weekend should wear full school uniform to represent the school for Catholic Education week. Many pupils have volunteered to either read bidding prayers, give out leaflets or take part in the offertory. Could these pupils arrive a little early and contact the member of staff present. Thank you in advance.


Daily Prayer

Thursday 16th February 2017


Today we pray for vocations to the priesthood.


Jesus our Saviour came down from heaven to shed light on our human existence, and to show us the way to the Father.

We pray that as we grow and develop in the image and likeness of God ‐ body, mind and soul ‐ we understand more fully the dignity, vocation and purpose of our lives and become witnesses of God’s truth to those around us.

Now in faith we ask God to provide for our needs as we say –

Our Father……..

School Prayer

Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.

May I live it completely for You,

Through you,

With You and in you. Amen


Blessed John Henry Newman, Pray for Us. 

Daily Prayer

Friday 10 February 2017

 St Scholastica

The sister of Saint Benedict, born in Norcia in Umbria about the year 480.  Together with her brother she consecrated herself to God and she followed Benedict to Monte Cassino where she died about the year 547.


We pray that like St Scholastica, we may serve God with an unsullied love ; then our joy will be full as we receive from your loving hand all that we desire and ask.

 Our Father …….

School Prayer

Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.

May I live it completely for You,

Through you,

With You and in you. Amen

 Blessed John Henry Newman, Pray for Us. 

Daily Prayer

Tuesday 7 February 2017

 St Mel


Saint Mel was a 5th Century saint in Ireland who was a nephew of St Patrick.  Mel and his brothers accompanied their uncle Patrick to Ireland and helped him with his missionary work there.  He and his brother were both consecrated by Patrick himself.  Mel became Bishop of Ardagh but spent most of his life as a travelling missionary and evangelist.  He supported himself by working with his hands and what he gained beyond bare necessities he gave to the poor.


We pray that like St Mel, we may live simply and give generously to those in need in order to claim our eternal reward in heaven.



Our Father …..


School Prayer

Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.

May I live it completely for You,

Through you,

With You and in you. Amen

Daily Prayer

The Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord


Today the Church celebrates the feast of the Presentation of the Lord which occurs forty days after his birth.  At the temple Christ is recognised as the Messiah by Simeon  and Anna who were  dedicated to prayer and fasting and so were able to recognize the Messiah.

On this day, the Church demonstrates its gratitude to all those in the community who dedicate themselves in a privileged way to prayer, to those who have a particular religious vocation to the contemplative life.  Jesus’ presentation in the temple, also reminds us that time could not be better spent than in prayer and contemplation as  those who pray and offer penance, like Simeon and Anna, are open to the breath of the Spirit. They know how to recognise the Lord .

Almighty ever-living God, we humbly implore your majesty that, just as your Only Begotten Son was presented on this day in the Temple in the substance of our flesh, so, by your grace, we may be presented to you with minds made pure. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen

Hail Mary….


School Prayer

Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.

May I live it completely for You,

Through you,

With You and in you. Amen


Blessed John Henry Newman, Pray for Us. 

Daily Prayer

Today is the Feast of St John Bosco


Fr. Don Bosco was a dedicated priest who took on blood-thirsty revolutionaries, the Italian government and his own archbishop in his quest to rescue the homeless children of Turin. This heroic priest’s undying belief in the boys he sought to help inspired them to fulfill their potential in the Catholic Faith. Don Bosco’s lifelong effort to save the children of the street became the foundation of the Salesians, one of the largest child care networks in the world.


St John Bosco gave his life in the service of the young, helping them to become honest citizens and good Christians.

He enabled young people to discover the goodness that is within them and to express it in practical and courageous ways.

May we learn from his example and teachings and grow in our love of God and others.

Our Father …..

 School Prayer

Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.

May I live it completely for You,

Through you,

With You and in you. Amen

 Blessed John Henry Newman, Pray for Us.