Daily Prayer


We pray and are thankful of the people around us.


God of Love,
I thank You for the people in my life
who are easy to love.
I thank You for my family and friends
who understand my actions,
who support me in my decisions,
and whose presence can lift the burden of a thorny day.

Help me with those who are difficult to love.
When they come at me with criticism
and wild expectations,
when they ignore me
or try to bend me to their will,
let me recognize their flaws and their dangers.
But then let me remember your attitude toward them,
and lead me to see them
in the light of Your love.

As St. Teresa of Avila said:

“In all created things discern the providence and wisdom of God, and in all things give Him thanks.”

Our Father….

 School Prayer

Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.

May I live it completely for You,

Through you,

With You and in you. Amen

  Blessed John Henry Newman, Pray for Us.