Daily Prayers

Tuesday 21 February 2017


St Peter Damian

Bishop and Doctor of the Church

 Born at Ravenna in the year 1007.  After completing his studies he taught for a short while but then gave it up and became a hermit at Fonte Avellana.  He was elected Prior of the community and strenuously promoted religious observance both there and in other parts of Italy.  In the difficult times in which he lived he helped the Roman Pontiffs by his writings and acted as legate to reform the Church.  He was created a Cardinal and Bishop of Ostia by Stephen IX.  On his death in the year 1072 he was immediately venerated as a saint.

We pray that by the example of St Peter Damian, we will prefer nothing to Christ and to make the service of the Church our chief concern so that we come to know the joy of your eternal kingdom.

Our Father …..

 School Prayer

Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.

May I live it completely for You,

Through you,

With You and in you. Amen


 Blessed John Henry Newman, Pray for Us.