Daily Prayer

Thursday 26th January 2017


Saint Timothy and Saint Titus, Bishops


Timothy and Titus were disciples and helpers of the apostle Paul.  Timothy was placed in charge of the Church at Ephesus and Titus was in charge of the church at Crete.  St Paul wrote his pastoral letters to them containing a lot of useful advice for the instruction of the clergy and the people in the faith.

We pray that like Timothy and Titus, we will be given the power to preach your word.  Grant that living a life of integrity and holiness in this world, we may through their prayers come to our true home in heaven.

Our Father…..

 School Prayer

Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.

May I live it completely for You,

Through you,

With You and in you. Amen


Blessed John Henry Newman, Pray for Us.