Young Christian Workers

Five S5 pupils took part in Young Christian Workers training last week at the Conforti Centre.

From then they have developed a group of around 12 pupils who are keen to express their faith within the school. The group will work towards a variety of actions across the year and are keen to start with an advent project.

downloadProject One will support the North Lanarkshire Baby Bank and go alongside the work already completed by Mrs Callaghan and Mrs McGhee.  The baby bank have a Christmas event called the ‘Handbag Appeal’ and this is where you come in!

The group are looking for donations of any handbags along with any items from the list below. The bags will be filled and sent to the baby bank to support the mothers of these young children.


Toothpaste                               Tooth brushes
Wipes                                        Deodorant
Shampoo & conditioner        Brushes/combs/bobbles
Lip gloss                                   Nail polish
Moisturiser                              Sanitary Products
Soap                                          Hand Sanitiser
Mouthwash                             Chocolate/Sweets
Hats/gloves/fluffy socks

If you could provide any baby items then the group would be happy to pass them on too.

I hope that you agree that this is a worthwhile cause and that the items we are collecting are things we all take for granted but most mums struggle to buy.

It would be great if you could help the group in any way, any donations can be dropped off in E4 (Mrs Murray’s room).

We hope to get these handbags to the charity before Friday 16th December.