Daily Prayer

Prayers for WB February 11th 2016Reflection: What would you list as your worst habit as a son or daughter? Being selfish? Inattention? Interrupting? Putting things off? Pick one habit and try, a day at a time, to let go of it. Jesus came to free the prisoners. If you feel like a prisoner to a bad habit, take advantage of Lent to loosen its grip on your life.

Every morning, first thing, ask God to help you be a better son or daughter. You have a mission from God to be the kind of person your parents need you to be. Sometimes when I’m worried about a difficult situation in my family, I think ahead to that situation and picture God already there. With the thought that God is present there, my attitude changes. My fear diminishes; my love grows. I no longer see it as a “godforsaken situation”.

School Prayer
Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.
May I live it completely for You,
Through you,
With You and in you. Amen