Week Beginning 23.3.20

Here is your first week of homework for home learning.

Morning Challenge

Slides 53-57. We will complete 1 each day. Join the Teams chat to share your answers.


Spelling – Complete your 3 tasks as normal, spread out throughout the week. You will find your words on the drop down tab. I may do a spelling test at the end of the week if I can record a video 😛

Reading – Find your current reading book on Bugclub and finish reading it, ensuring you complete all the bug questions.

Hufflepuff: Outlaws on the Loose

Slytherin 1: Hands Off My Stuff

Slytherin 2: Awfully Beastly Business: Saving a Sea Monster

Ravenclaw: Charlie Small: Chasm of the Killer Bees

Gryffindor: The Quigleys Wild Life

Writing – journal task (separate tab).



30 mins on sumdog each day. I have set a challenge for you all.

I have set an assessment for Friday, please try to complete this before 5pm.



PE – Try your best to complete at least 2 PE sessions with either: Joe Wicks on Youtube (9am each morning) or Cosmic Kids Yoga. (Links included on Handy Links tab)

Fit 15 – Also try to fit in some fit 15. You could try Just Dance, outdoor play or anything else you can think of to keep fit.

Mental Wellbeing – As part of HWB I would like you to reflect on your feelings at least once a week in your journal.

Paths Kid this week is: Millie 😀

Please leave a comment on the Paths Kid channel on Teams.



Choose one activity from the Titanic Grid and complete this during the week (separate tab).



I am sure you will all be doing lots of interesting things at home. I would love if you could share some pictures of any interesting or fun activities.

As always try to take a break and complete 10 minutes of mindfulness each day. Remembering to think about your body and emptying your mind. It would also be good to try and watch Newsround each day to keep up to date with current events.

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