Category Archives: What’s Happening

Welcome Back

A very warm welcome back to our whole school community, we hope you have enjoyed the long summer holidays. A special welcome to our 2 new primary 1 pupils who looked very handsome in their school uniform. Check out Skye class blog to see the little ones. Already the children have been active and busy outdoors exploring and discovering! Mrs Ward has managed to get us £400 so we can add to our stock of scooters for outdoors.

As well as the children being busy the staff and a couple of the parents were busy too during the in-service day learning more about the use of intensive interaction. We had training delivered by Nind and Hewitt associates where the approach originated from. Evaluations of the day demonstrate that staff feel more confident and knowledgeable about taking this day forward.

Summer 17 Newsletter

The Summer Newsletter has now been uploaded to the Newsletter tab. We are no longer sending a hard copy of the newsletter home to save on printing costs and to ensure we are environmentally friendly. Positive feedback was provided about the new format last term.  Remember to keep an eye on the blogs to catch all of the latest school news.

Happy holidays


Garden Party

Despite the miserable weather, we had a great turnout at the Garden Party.  This is a big event in our school calendar and learners work hard behind the scenes preparing for it. The seniors grew plants during their work experience at the Ayrshire community Trust and all classes helped tidy and refresh the sensory garden. It was all worth because on the day we raised over £700.00. Thank you to all those who turned out to support us.

Transition … Getting ready for new classes

This month there has been a big focus on Transition. As well as welcoming our new primary 1’s, children who are moving class are being provided with the opportunity to spend time with their new peers in their new class base. Staff also spend time observing their new pupils and discussions take place about Needs, strengths and development priorities.  Young people who are leaving school also have the opportunity to participate in induction visits to their post school destinations.

Robin House fundraiser – thanks!!

A huge thankyou to everyone who supported our pupils on their virtual journey to Robin House in Balloch- we have donated £537 to CHAS which will go directly to help support the good works in Robin House.  The children had a great week completing the 78 miles in school, walking, running, scooting and cycling their way around the track area.

Samantha Reilly from CHAS came in to school and joined us at our assembly for the presentation of our cheque.