Category Archives: What’s Happening

Garden Party 10th Birthday Celebrations



What a fabulous afternoon we had celebrating our 10th Garden Party anniversary.  Thank you to all of our parents and friends who turned up to support the weather despite the cold.  We welcomed friends from St Mark’s primary, James McFarlane school, Willowbank school, Southcraig campus in Ayr and it was lovely to see the return of former pupils and parents.

Classes participated in a mini ‘chelsea’ gardening event where they had to create a mini garden.  Their efforts were judged by Kathleen from Dobbie’s Garden Centre who found it very difficult to make a decision about who the winner was.  However the certificate had to go to someone and Mull Class were chosen for their fantastic Old McDonald themed farm garden.  GF was delighted with his medal and was signing thumbs up all afternoon!  We also had a cheque presented to us from Irvine Trades Incorporated for a massive £1500.

The weather certainly did not dampen our spirits and stop us from having a great time.  We also managed to raise £112 for Ayrshire Hospice from our home baking stall.

A huge thank you to everyone who volunteered, baked, donated goodies, we very much appreciate it.  A big thank you to our very own Mrs Clark who led and organised the enterprise event.

Haysholm Bake Off

Haysholm Chelsea Flower Show

Mrs Mair says there is more to come and watch this space for Haysholm Strictly come dancing …

Fun, Fun and more fun.

Garden Fayres and Parties

image Well done to Mull class who represented the school at James McFarlane’s annual Garden Fayre. Mrs Moncrieff was very proud of how well behaved the whole class were and Mrs Gribben received a phone call from Mrs Clark, Headteacher of James McFarlane who reported that the class were “a credit to the school”.


Remember everyone that our very special Garden party is on Tuesday 2nd June where Kathleen from Dobbies will judge our garden competition and Derek Murdoch from Irvine Trades will present the school with a cheque.  Let’s hope the sun will shine for us. Please come along and support our school.

Parent Learning Event Reminder

intensive interaction

This is a reminder that our next parent Learning event will take place on Tuesday 26th May at 10 am to 11 am in the pink room of Haysholm School.  The training session will be delivered by Mrs Susan Rose, Early Year’s practitioner in Skye class.

Intensive interaction is an approach to teaching the pre-speech fundamentals of communication to children and adults who have severe learning difficulties and/or autism and who are still at an early stage of communication development.  It is an approach that we have successfully used to engage with and develop communication skills in a number of our young people.

We hope you can attend

Morrison’s Bag Pack on Saturday 16th May

morrisons bag pack image1

Thank you to everyone who came along the Morrison’s Bag Pack on Saturday 16th May.  We raised a grand total of £774.64 and that has helped us to achieve the £10,500 needed to refurbish and upgrade the snozelen.

A very special thanks to the efforts of the Parent Council, led by Christina Larsen,  who have been relentless in the their fund-raising activities over the past year and a half.

Final day of our food and health week







Here are the winners of the ‘healthy cook off’ preparing the winning dish for the finale of food and health week. Mrs Gribben and John aka taxi driver (day job) and mary berry’s assistant (night job), helped to judge the efforts of all of the classes.  Delights included; stuffed peppers, banana bread, smoothies, crudités and dips! John selected the winning  dish of the fruit kebabs as you can see above. The golden spoon was presented making Arran class very happy

What a brilliant way to end the week and a huge thank you to all of our partners for their help during the week.