Category Archives: What’s Happening

Spread a little Kindness

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During the week beginning 6th February we recognised Children’s Mental Health Week by Spreading a Little Kindness.  Jura Class led a whole school assembly about it.  JT and KC did very well on using the Microphone to read out some words on the powerpoint.  GF used signing to indicate “smile” and “friends”.  KAF smiled beautifully during the boys performance and SS used the big mack switch to introduce the hymns.

Termly Reports

Termly Reports were sent home yesterday.  At the end of May you will receive an end of year report.  This replaces the annual review report.  Your feedback is welcomed about the Reporting and the annual review process.  A questionnaire will be distributed shortly to gather your views and opinions.  Meantime should you have any questions or feedback that you would like to share, please do not hesitate to contact me on:


directly on 01294 272481

I am also keen to encourage parents to continue to share their child’s wider achievements at home.  If your child achieves success, please share it with us through the home school diary and we will recognise it in class and during our weekly assembly.

Head Teacher Awards for January


Well done to:

KS for participation in tooth-brushing at home

DD for moving from kneeling into a standing position and taking a step independently at home

CK for improved understanding of and carrying out routine to request his medicine in mrs Gribben’s office

JT for requesting assistance by asking a clear 3 word question


Proposed new ASN school

As you may be aware, the proposal to close haysholm school and the other existing ASN schools and develop a new ASN school was approved by Cabinet on 31 January 2017. This decision is subject to a 5-day call-in period, ending on Tuesday 7 February. The council will now refer this to Scottish Government after the call-in period expires. There is then an 8-week period to allow Ministers to consider the decision, with the first 3 weeks of this period allowing stakeholders to make representations on the decision.


It’s February


Click on the link for your February Calendar.  It’s going to be a busy month.  Music Therapy will be delivered on Mondays and we will mark Fairtrade fortnight by hosting a focus day on Tuesday 28th February.



Children’s Mental Health Week runs from the 6th February, the theme being ‘Spread a Little kindness’.  We will focus on being kind to each other and the emotion ‘happy’ as part of our daily activities. Jura class will lead a special assembly on Tuesday and our Rights Respecting School display will be updated with photographs of learners spreading a little kindness.

Try B4UFly at Edinburgh Airport

TryB4UFly: Edinburgh 3 February, Edinburgh Airport
An innovative event in partnership with
CHAS and TryB4UFly is giving disabled people and their families a chance to try before they fly and find out more about air travel assistance and the experience of flying. The guide to flying session will cover everything from booking to safe carriage of wheelchairs, and even give the chance to try out seating in a replica cabin.

Attendees also have a unique opportunity to take part in a consultation group to allow better collaboration between the airport, the disabled community and frequent reduced mobility travellers.

Places are limited so booking is essential.

Celebration of Burns

What a great morning we had celebrating all things Scottish including Robert Burns.  The programme included:

Bapgpipes and Haggis:  Mr McKeand and Ryan Thomson

Address to the Haggis: Mr Law, The Selkirk Grace: Mrs Gribben

Performances included:

Skye Class:  Katie Bairdie

Mull Class:  Three Craws

Jura Class: Aiken Drum

Arran Class:  Wee rid Motor

Bute Class: Tam O’Shanter

Thank you to the seniors who prepared and served some yummy Scottish Snacks.  To finish off we all enjoyed a Ceilidh!

Here are some photographs:

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