Author Archives: Miss Watson

Our Topic

 Our topic this term in Skye Class is based around Scots text.  We have been studying “The Circus” By JK Annand.

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As you can see the b0ys have been having a great time making clowns faces, handprint elephants, circus hats and using balloons to paint. Well done boys 🙂

Welcome back Skye Class

Skye class had a super Summer Holiday and have been back at school working very hard.  We would like to welcome our new pupil  R to class. R has settled in nicely with his new friends in Skye Class.

 rileyLandon Miller Copy of Kai Reid Copy of Daryl Kelly

                               R                                      L                                          K                                      D

We would also like to welcome our new classroom assistant Mrs Steel to Skye Class.

Dawn Mair Leigh Watson Lynsey Steel Susan Rose

                         Mrs Mair                  Miss Watson                 Mrs Steel                     Mrs Rose    


 Mrs Coia

Skye Class Outing

Today we enjoyed our class outing to Linn Park, the boys loved running around the play park and playing on the swings and slides.  We also made use of the soft play and sensory room facilities.  On the way home we stopped in at McDonalds for some yummy fries.  The boys were a real credit to the school 🙂

Linn Park is a free resource for children with ASN who provide a drop in centre at weekends, we highly recommend a visit.

Linn Park, 145 Netherlee Road, Glasgow G44 3ST

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