Author Archives: Mrs Gibson

Holidays have arrived!

Last week a few of the boys managed to tick of paddling in the sea, as 50 of their things to do.

Even if the paddle was very short lived.


Oh DC making a run for it!

This week was KS birthday what’s fast becoming a tradition in Skye Class all boys enjoyed helping blow out the candles.



The Boys & ladies said a very sad farewell to our Mr Wright this morning. Mr Wright has been a great member of Skye Team, every success in his future .

Happy Holidays To Everyone have a great holiday and see you all in August.


Woo Hoo!

Skye class had lots of fun this afternoon finishing our walk to Robin House, then joining our friends for snack in the hall.


cool dude

the whole gang

We also got to sing a Very Happy Birthday to Mrs Rose and to share the blowing out of the candles.