Our Super Sensory Science Fair

Today at Haysholm the children and young people enjoyed taking part in a Sensory Science Fair.  Mrs Mair organised this in partnership with Science teachers from our cluster school Irvine Royal.  In the morning activities in the Science Marketplace included; Making slime, magnets, making lava lamps, tuning forks and making sounds with beakers, fire extinguisher experiment, static electricity, bath bombs, balloon rockets and giant bubbles.  Mrs Brisbane also organised a super science sensory story in the pink room called ‘Why?’

In the afternoon classes did a Science Carousel where pupils had an opportunity to rotate around classrooms and explore a variety of experiments devised by the teachers.  Everybody has had a lot of fun and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Comments from our learners

 SC “I like bubbles”

PL “Irvine Royal came, special day, science, I liked buzzer”

GF “look, good”

RB “smells nice”

RT “look, the colours, nice”

CK signed “swimming and good boy”, needless to say he spent a lot of time splashing in the bubble pool and exploring the bath bombs!

Lots of our learners selected the Talking Mats thumbs up to show that they liked the Science activities.

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