Well Done Mrs Bennett!!!!

Well done to Mrs Bennett, the Rights Respecting School’s working party and pupil council committee for their hard work towards achieving the Rights Respecting School Level 1 commitment award.  See email below.


Thank you for your email, and for all of your paperwork!  It looks like you have all been very busy! 


I am delighted to award the school with their Recognition of Commitment Award – well done!  I will arrange for the award certificate (and new ROC logo for you to use!) to be posted out to you.


Moving forward – it may be easier to download the paperwork and use it electronically rather than scanning in – is easier for me to read but much easier for you to keep track/add/delete etc!


Please feel free to contact me anytime and ask questions – I am here to help!


Kind regards – and congratulations once again!





Gerry McMurtrie

Senior Professional Advisor (Scotland)

Rights Respecting Schools

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