Hello Mull Class,
I hope you all had a good Wednesday. Though it was raining, I hope you still managed to get outside for some fresh air and exercise.
Thursday is our French topic day. I have uploaded a fantastic power point that Michael has created for you. Play the slide show and click on the icons to find out more about Paris.
You could also try some French cooking. I have uploaded a recipe for crepes.
Boys, you can look at the calendar to keep up with what day and date it is and girls you can do the same through your Sensory Workout and your Hand and Finger programme. Everyone could read their book of the week. Can you join in with any familiar lines yet?
You could work on your chore, developing your functional skills and you could assist with organising and making own snack and lunch.
Try and get outside, regardless of the weather. If it is raining you could have fun splashing in the puddles.
Stay safe and well and have fun whatever you decide to do!
Have a good Thursday everyone,
Jennifer Moncrieff