Good Morning Mull Class

Good morning Mull Class,

I hope you all had lots of fun over the Easter holidays.

It’s Monday again and if you wanted to you could look at the daily calendar and find the Monday song, the month and the date!

You could choose a new story of the week to keep those listening and reading skills up.

You could also set a chore for the week ahead, taking some responsibility around the house and practice your functional skills.

Monday would be our rebound morning so if you have a trampoline at home you could get out for a bounce on it.

On a Monday afternoon it would be our jass afternoon, so if you are going out for your daily walk or exercise why not do some maths at the same time.

You could collect as many sticks as you can and when you get home count them and put them in order of size. Then if you want you could make a stick trail for yourself or someone else to follow. I will upload some visuals to support this.

What ever you do today have a great day and enjoy yourselves.

Jennifer Moncrieff

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