Food Bank

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Arran Class visited Cunninghame House today to drop off remaining items for the North Ayrshire Food Bank.  Planned curricular work in the context of Ethos and Life of the school this term included; ASDAN Citizenship. The pupils have been gathering and sorting food items for the local charity.  They dropped off a large amount of items last week but some food items continued to arrive this week so the class made arrangements to drop them at Cunninghame House.

A special visitor, our very own Chief Executive, Mrs Elma Murray received the food items from J McD at Cunninghame House.  Due to appalling weather and shortage of time the remainder of young people had to stay on the bus however that did not prevent the Chief Executive from going out to the bus to thank the children and have her photograph taken with them.

Well done Arran class for your hard work.  Thank you to all of the staff, parents and carers who supported this worthwhile cause.

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