Bute Class

DSC04337 DSC04336 DSC04335 DSC04333 Bute class had responsibility for leading a Fair Trade  assembly. Jack and Kieran welcomed everyone using switches. Katy showed us a hand of bananas then we watched a video of Pablo Banana to find out how buying  Fairtrade goods helps farmers all over the world. Peter and Ryan helped to take a basket of Fair Trade goods for everyone to look at, touch, smell and taste.

DSC04384 DSC04375 DSC04373 DSC04360 DSC04352  We made another home for the wildlife in a different part of the garden.

DSC04423 DSC04417 DSC04407 DSC04400 DSC04398 DSC04388 DSC04385 This week’s Holi activity was great fun! We explored lots of spices and made a chart to show which ones we liked/disliked.

DSC04451 I got star of the week for being a responsible citizen and working with my class to pick up litter in the garden.



IMAG4354 IMAG4350 IMAG4364 IMAG4365 IMAG4367 IMAG4368 IMAG4371 IMAG4362 IMAG4363 IMAG4372 At scouts this week we played games and chose our patrol. Kieran, Peter, Ryan, Jack and Darren are now in the Eagles Patrol. Rachael, Katy, Charlie and Joe are now in the Wolf Patrol.

Photos Uploaded by Kieran.

Blogged by Kieran.

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