End of Year – Glow and Digital Learning Platforms Information

As the end of the academic year draws closer, now seems like a good time to remind Glow users of some important information regarding their accounts, information management and data protection.

All staff

  • Leaving MS Teams and Google Classrooms you don’t want to be a member of –  Leave the team, don’t Delete it.  Click here for instructions on Teams and here for Google Classroom.  If you delete a team, you are not just deleting it from your account, you are deleting it for everyone.  Deleted Google Classrooms cannot be restored.  Deleted Microsoft Teams can be restored by RM Unify for a very limited period after the deletion.  They need the exact Team name along with other details such as deleted time/date and Glow usernames of the Team owners.  If you are the last owner to leave the Team/Google Classroom please do consider deleting it as orphaned Teams will automatically select a new owner which could be a learner.
  • Learners can be removed from the Team or Classroom if you wish to use them again for the new academic year; however, you may prefer to create a new Team or Classroom.  For details on how to copy existing Teams click here and here for Google Classrooms.  Please not that there are differences between Teams and google Classroom in what is copied to the new space.
  • Archive MS Teams and Google Classrooms that are no longer needed.  Only delete when you are sure you will never use it again.  Remember you can reuse posts and assignments you have created in your new Teams/Classrooms.   Click here for instructions for Teams and here for Google Classroom.
  • If you intend to use your existing Teams or Google Classrooms again in the new year you may wish to mute all learners over the summer to ensure there are no unmonitored posts or comments added to the team during the summer holidays.  Click here for guidance on muting in Teams and here for Google Classroom.
  • Cleanse data from any other systems where learner data has been stored as per the retention policy or guidance provided when a new product is signed off for use.  Personal data should either be deleted or anonymised as appropriate for the system in question.

Glow Accounts

Staff Accounts

Staff moving to another school, role or local authority

If you are the sole owner or administrator of any of the below, you should transfer ownership to another Glow staff user(s) before you leave your post.  It is always best practice to have more than 1 owner/administrator.

        • MS Teams and Google Classrooms
        • Glow Blogs
        • Google Sites
        • SharePoint sites
        • Stream video channels
        • MS or Google Forms and Surveys

Moving to another School in Moray

Your Glow account will move to your new school however it will be inactive from the end date in your old school until the start date in your new school.  If you will need access over the summer, you should request a grace period via missupport@moray.gov.uk.

Moving to another Local Authority 

Staff Glow accounts cannot be transferred to another LA.  You will get a new Glow account in your new LA.  Your existing Glow account will be inactive from the end date in your old school.  If you will need access over the summer, you should request a grace period via missupport@moray.gov.uk.  Also, refer to Glow Connect website and scroll to section “Content that is associated with your account and will be deleted” to ensure you back up everything you require to keep before your account is deleted.

Moving to a new role in Moray

Teaching and Non-Teaching SEEMiS generated Glow accounts cannot be transferred to a non-school based establishment in Glow.  If you are taking up a role in Moray outside of a school e.g. in a supporting Education Team based in HQ, Beechbrae, etc. a new Glow account will be required.  School based Glow accounts are generated via your record in SEEMiS and when a leaving date is added your Glow account will be closed.  As per the advice above back-up anything you do not wish to lose and transfer ownership of Teams, Blogs, Google Sites etc.  New Glow accounts for non-school based staff should be requested from MIS Support.

NQT Glow accounts

Information specific to NQTs has been emailed directly to all NQTs.

Learner Accounts

Senior Secondary leavers

Glow accounts will be deleted after a leaving/closure date is added to their record in SEEMiS.  Any work they wish to retain should be downloaded and any systems using their Glow email account should be updated, for example College applications.

P7 learners going to S1

Learners Glow accounts will become inactive from their end date in SEEMiS in primary school (last day of school) until their start date in SEEMiS in their secondary school.  If they will need access to Glow over the summer you should request a grace period for them via missupport@moray.gov.uk.

Any learner moving to another school within or out with the Local Authority

Learners Glow accounts will be transferred with them.  However, learners Glow accounts will become inactive from their end date in SEEMiS in their current school until their start date in SEEMiS in their new school.  If they will need access to Glow over the summer you should request a grace period for them via missupport@moray.gov.uk.

National Password Reset

The national Glow password for all Learner accounts will take place from 9th August and 28th August for staff Glow accounts.  It can take a couple of days from the starting date for all users to be prompted to change their password.  You can find tip on how to create a secure password – here.

Accessing Glow Accounts outside the UK

If staff or learners are planning on accessing Glow outside of the UK over the summer break, please contact the Digital Learning Team to request more details on to ensure your access is not revoked as part of the RM Unify security checks.

Information Management

Data Protection – Glow

Glow provides educators and learners access to the most up to date industry standard digital tools and cloud storage which can be accessed on any internet enabled device.  It also provides them access to an email account to facilitate their learning.  Glow is the perfect place to store non-sensitive learning and teaching materials; however not all documents, information or email communications are appropriate to be stored, shared or sent through Glow.  Educators can find more information on the types of information which can be stored safely in Glow – here.

The end of the year is good time to remind learners about the appropriate use of Glow and what they should be storing, both in terms of sensitive information and copyright.

Sensitive or confidential information should only be stored in the secure school shared drive which is part of the Moray Council network.  Educators may use their Glow email to communicate with learners, but for more sensitive content should only be emailed via the moray-edunet.gov.uk address as it has higher levels of encryption.

To ensure that both Educators and Learners use Glow in a positive, safe and responsible way the Glow community rules can be reviewed – here.

Data Protection – General

Regular data cleansing in any system is vital to ensure that the fundamental tenets of data protection are adhered to.  The start or end of a term or year is a natural point at which to conduct these reviews.  Further information on the Moray Council Data Protection processes can be found – here.

Staff are also encouraged to complete the Moray: Data Protection (inc. GDPR) e-learning course on CLIVE, the council’s online learning management system.  More details on CLIVE and details on how to access the system can be found – here.

We have put together an end of year checklist to help guide you through the tasks detailed above –  click here.

If you have any questions on the above please contact learntech@moray.gov.uk or attend the CPD session we have scheduled on 5th June at 4pm (places can be booked on CPD Manager).

New – Search Coach from Microsoft

Hand, Magnifying Glass, Earth, Globe

Microsoft Education announced a suite of new tools at their ‘Reimagine Education’ event on Thursday. To see the full announcement visit the recording page HERE. The new tools include a new category called ‘learning accelerators’ – in addition to Reading Progress and Coach which is already available. There will be Math, Search and Speaker Progress and Coach.

Most of these tools will not be available until later in the year. However one very useful tool is now available to be added to all class teams. It is called ‘Search Coach’ and it is essentially a search engine designed to teach learners the important skills of information literacy in a safe way.

It is the perfect place to show learners how to research effectively by giving hints about their search queries, allowing them to filter by domain, date and file type. As an educator you can also customise the results learners receive.

Installing Search Coach (instructions from Microsoft.com)

Any class team owner in Microsoft Teams for Education can install Search Coach today!

  1. From the general channel of any class, select +.
  2. Search for and select Search Coach.
  3. Select Add then select Save
  4. Search Coach will appear as a tab app in your class. Repeat these steps for any additional classes you want students to have Search Coach in.
thumbnail image 1 captioned Select "+" to open the Teams App Catalog

More information about search coach can be found HERE. There is also a Microsoft Learn Course available HERE.

Changing Role – staff Glow account reminder

The Digital Learning Team and MIS Support have received a number of queries recently regarding access to Glow accounts for staff who have changed roles within the authority.

When you leave your school based role a closure date will be added to your work record in SEEMiS, this will automatically disable your Glow account.  You should ensure you download anything you do not wish to lose before leaving your current role.  A new Glow account should be requested from missupport@moray.gov.uk  by your line manager.  Details of your PVG check may be required to create the new account.

If you have not downloaded all the content you wish to keep by the time the school you are leaving has updated you SEEMiS work record a 60 day grace period can be applied to your account, after which it will be automatically permanently deleted.  You should also provide your new Glow details to the owners of any Teams, Google Classroom or Groups you will still require access to so you can add you as a new member.

Staff moving to a role in a different school within Moray will retain their original account; however staff accounts can not be transferred to other Local Authorities.

Changes to Google Additional Services for Staff Glow Accounts

From 1st February 2022 Education Scotland Digital Services are reversing some of the changes made in Sep 2021 which limited Glow accounts access to Google Additional Services such as Google Maps.

From 1st February staff Glow accounts will regain access to Google Additional Services; however learners will remain unable to access these products when signed into Glow.  This is due to the age restrictions outlined in the T&Cs for these services.  Please note it can take a few days until the change is rolled out across all accounts, so please be patient.  To test if your account has been updated please access G Drive or Google Classroom before attempting to open an Additional Service like Google Maps.  If you are able to open the Additional Service then your account has been updated, if not please give it a bit more time.

It is still recommended that Glow users do not link their Google account to other services which are approved for use, but use the sign up with an email option whenever possible.

Note: YouTube is still set to “Restricted Mode” and therefore cannot be accessed whilst signed in to Google with your Glow account. This may be reviewed later in the year. More information about Google Additional Services available on Glow Connect here.

Glow and Digital Learning Platform – End of Year Considerations

As the summer holidays grow closer here is a follow up to our earlier post on end of year preparations.  Please review this important information to ensure you take any appropriate actions.

All staff

  • Leaving MS Teams and Google Classrooms you don’t want to be a member of –  Leave the team, don’t Delete it.  Click here for instructions on Teams and here for Google Classroom.  If you delete a team, you are not just deleting it from your view/Teams, you are deleting it for everyone.  Deleted Teams have to be restored by RM Unify which they can only do if they have the exact team name along with other details such as deleted time/date and Glow usernames of the team owners.
  • Learners can be removed from the Team or Classroom if you wish to use them again for the new academic year; however you may prefer to create a new Team or Classroom.  For details on how to copy existing Teams click here and here for Google Classrooms.  Please not that there are differences between Teams and google Classroom in what is copied to the new space.
  • Archive MS Teams and Google Classrooms that are no longer needed.  Only delete when you are sure you will never use it again.  Click here for instructions for Teams and here for Google Classroom.
  • If you intend to use your existing Teams or Google Classrooms again in the new year you may wish to mute all learners to ensure there are no unmonitored posts or comments added to the team during the summer holidays.  Click here for guidance on muting in Teams and here for Google Classroom.
  • Cleanse data from any other systems where learner data has been stored as per the retention policy or guidance provided when a new product is signed off for use.  Personal data should either be deleted or anonymised as appropriate for the system in question.

Staff moving to another school, role or local authority

    • If you are the sole owner or administrator of any of the below, you should transfer ownership to another Glow staff user(s) before you leave your post.  It is always best practice to have more than 1 owner/administrator.
        • MS Teams and Google Classrooms
        • Glow Blogs
        • Google Sites
        • SharePoint sites
        • Stream video channels
        • MS or Google Forms and Surveys
    • Staying within the Local Authority – Your Glow account will move to your new school however it will be inactive from the end date in your old school until the start date in your new school.  If you will need access over the summer, you should request a grace period via missupport@moray.gov.uk.
    • Moving to another Local Authority – staff Glow accounts cannot be transferred to another LA.  You will get a new Glow account in your new LA.  Your existing Glow account will be inactive from the end date in your old school.  If you will need access over the summer, you should request a grace period via missupport@moray.gov.uk.  Also, refer to Glow Connect website and scroll to section “Content that is associated with your account and will be deleted” to ensure you back up everything you require to keep before your account is deleted.
    • Teaching and Non-Teaching SEEMiS generated Glow accounts cannot be transferred to a non-school based establishment in Glow.  If you are taking up a role in Moray outside of a school e.g. in a supporting Education Team based in HQ, Beechbrae, etc. a new Glow account will be required.  School based Glow accounts are generated via your record in SEEMiS and when a leaving date is added your Glow account will be closed.  As per the advice above back-up anything you do not wish to lose and transfer ownership of Teams, Blogs, Google Sites etc.  New Glow accounts for non-school based staff should be requested from MIS Support.


    • P7 learners going to S1 – learners Glow accounts will become inactive from their end date in SEEMiS in primary school (last day of school) until their start date in SEEMiS in their secondary school.  If they will need access to Glow over the summer you should request a grace period for them via missupport@moray.gov.uk.
    • Any learner moving to another school within or outwith the Local Authority – learners Glow accounts will be transferred with them.  However learners Glow accounts will become inactive from their end date in SEEMiS in their current school until their start date in SEEMiS in their new school.  If they will need access to Glow over the summer you should request a grace period for them via missupport@moray.gov.uk.

We have put together an end of year checklist to help guide you through the tasks detailed above –  click here.

If you have any questions on the above please contact learntech@moray.gov.uk or attend the CPD session we have scheduled on 15th June at 4:30pm (places can be booked on CPD Manager).

Previously issued guidance – here.

Updated Glow Connect Guidance

Information for parents and carer on Glow Connect has been updated recently to clarify the guidance around accessing their child’s Glow account.

You can find the updated information – here.  

The guidance makes it very clear that parents and carers should support users in their use of Glow but should not be logging into to the child’s Glow account independently.

As a reminder below is the guidance which was previously issued  –

It is important for all Glow users, both learners and staff, to remember that their account details should be kept private.  School staff should remind learners and parents/carers that Glow is for the use of learners and teachers/support staff with the appropriate security checks only.  We ask that parents/carers do not access Glow directly by logging in with their child’s details, but would encourage them to engage with their children to find out about and support the learning they are doing within Glow.

To meet the requirements of the Glow agreement that allows our users to access Glow,  login details should only be provided to the user themselves.  This can be done either in person, over the phone or other agreed alternative methods of communication with the appropriate checks to verify the users identity.   This is in order to maintain the security of the system and safety of all users.  Providing log in details to non-Glow users, including parents/carers could put the Glow environment and users at risk.

In the event of a security breach Glow passwords for the whole school have to be reset and if action was not taken quickly, every pupil in the school could have their Glow account disabled.  If a reset is required learners should be assigned unique passwords to ensure that there is no possibility of learners accessing each others accounts.

You can find Password Guidance on the Glow Connect.  Staff should be aware that if they are supporting pupils to choose a new password that it should be unique to each pupil and should not be shared or duplicated, this includes creating a single password for a whole class/year group.

The use of password grids like the one below could be helpful in assisting younger learners to choose a password and can be send home as a reminder for home access.  Written codes or reminders can also be helpful.


Glow Update – Password reset, potential copyright infringements, Google Meet and SharePoint

Glow Password Change Reminder

The national learner Glow password reset began on the 24th August and staff will be prompted to reset their passwords from 7th September.  Please note you will be prompted to change your password on login so no action is required prior to this.

It is recommend that staff encourage, where possible, learners to update their passwords to ensure they know them in the even of a local lockdown or requirement to learn remotely.  As part of the password reset we would encourage everyone when they are updating their password to review  the Glow Community Rules .

For full detail on the password reset and advice on setting up strong passwords see our previous blog post – here or visit Glow Connect – here

Changes to Google Meet functionality for external guests

Google have made some changes to the G Suite for Education offering within Glow which impacts staff’s ability to conduct Glow Meet sessions with non Glow users.  Full details on how this could affect meetings with external guest (non Glow users) can be found in our previous blog post – here

Storage and publishing of Copyright Material in Glow

Education Scotland have reported that they have received concerns from publishers and content providers that some Glow users in Scotland may have contravened copyright legislation by storing or publishing non-licensed materials through Glow.  This included the posting entire books on publicly available websites/social media.  While it is recognised this was done with the best of intentions to assist in teaching and learning it does contravene copyright regulations.

Please be aware copy written materials should not be published or shared on blogs, Google Sites or social media without a license or permission to do so.  Unlicensed materials should not be stored in Glow if they fall outside of the fair dealing requirements which allow extracts of licensed material to be used for “giving or receiving instruction”.

More details can be found in our previous blog post – here on the content providers website or the CLA (Copyright Licensing Agency) website – here

Moray Glow SharePoint Site Updates

Following an audit of the Moray Glow SharePoint site we have identified a large number of document storage sites which have no content in them and have not been accessed in the last 12 months.  These sites will be made read only from 31st August and deleted during the Autumn holiday.  If you wish to retain any of these sites contact details will be posted at the top of each site with instructions on what action is required.  This is the initial phase of a larger SharePoint project intended to create a more user friendly document storage space, the design of which will allow for flexibility, security and longevity.

What Glow should be used for?

The Digital Learning Team are receiving increased requests and queries with regards to creating Glow accounts for non-teaching/non education staff, the storage/sharing of sensitive information through Glow and allowing external users to collaborate using application accessed through Glow, such as Teams.  We would like to remind everyone that Glow’s remit is as a tool to enable learning and teaching with stringent guidelines on account eligibility.  Non Glow users can not be added to Teams or access SharePoint sites.  More details on what constitutes appropriate uses of Glow can be found here – Glow Appropriate Use .

Answers to the top 10 questions Learning Technologists get asked everyday about Glow


Teams is telling me to download the app, do I have to?

No, you can use Teams in your internet browser, Chrome works best.  Teams will suggest you download the app, which is free and does have some additional features for video conferencing; however it is not available on school computers and is not required.  When working/learning at home you can chose to use the app on your own device if you have permissions to do so.

I can’t chat 1 to 1 with my teacher/learner in Teams, it says this feature is disabled by the administrator can you switch it on?

The chat function in Teams for learners is disabled nationally within Glow and can’t be switched on locally.  Discussions are taking place with Education Scotland, Glow Key Contacts and RM Unify who operate Glow.  Any changes will be communicated. Questions you do not wish to post inside the Team should be sent via your Glow email.

I can’t see my pupils when I am doing a video conference meeting in Teams, can you switch it on?

The video is disabled for learners nationally within Glow and can’t be switched on locally.  Discussions are taking place around two way video conferences with learners and any changes will be communicated.


I have tried to email a learner/teacher in Google Classroom and its says it disabled by the administrator, can you switch it on so it will work?

Gmail is disabled for all Glow users nationally, so any emails regarding learning should be sent via your Glow Outlook email address.  Any notifications from G Suite products will be forwarded automatically to your Outlook email account.

I can’t see my pupils when I am doing a video conference meeting in Google Classroom via Google Meet.  It says it’s disabled by the administrator, can you switch it on?

The video is disabled for learners nationally within Glow and can’t be switched on locally.  Discussions are taking place around two way video conferences with learners and any changes will be communicated.

Can I use Microsoft Word/Excel/PowerPoint with Google Classroom?

Yes, but  these documents will have to be added as attachments.  The default programmes used to create new documents within Google Classroom are part of the G Suite such as Doc, Sheets and Slides.


I am being asked to enter my Microsoft account details when I try to get into my email or other Office 365 applications, what do I enter?

When you see the Microsoft sign in pop up box you need to enter your full Glow email address.  Your Glow email is your user name followed by @glow.sch.uk for school users or @glowmail.org.uk for non school users.

When I am trying to use Glow sometime I get an error saying my browser does not support the action, what do I do?

When using Glow it is best to use Chrome as your internet browser.  Some applications accessed within Glow are not comparable with other browsers such as Firefox or Internet Explorer.  It is also worth ensuring that your browsers is update with the latest version of the software.

I have forgotten my password, how to I get it reset?

Contact the school in the first instance and they will be able to reset your password.

Can I use [insert product name] now that we are teaching/learning remotely?

The same data protection procedure is in place even when working remotely and only approved software, apps and websites should be used.  If you wish to use a new product a DPIA form will be required to review the product prior to use.


Remote Learning Support

A website has been created to help parents/carers support learners in accessing Glow and saying safe online.  The aim of this resources is to get learners logged into Glow where they can access long term support resources.

You can access the website using the following link – Digital Support Website

You can also find links for families of children in primary schools to support their child’s learning and development – here.

Signing In to Microsoft account in Glow



Some users when trying to open Office 365 from their Glow launch pads are being asked to Sign In to Microsoft in order to access Office apps.

If you see the message shown in the picture, simply type in your Glow email address and click ‘Next’ to progress to the Office 365 home page.  Your Glow email is your user name followed by @glow.sch.uk for school users or @glowmail.org.uk for non school users.  Examples for both email formats are below –



You may be asked to repeat this action if you log onto a different computer or have cleared your browser’s cache.

If you have any issues logging in to Office 365 via Glow please email learntech@moray.gov.uk

Report a Glow concern
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