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Listen in to our “KGS Reporters” on Keith Community Radio

Our dedicated team of news enthusiasts (KGS Reporters) have created a 15mins broadcast which will be featured on Keith Community Radio.  You can listen in Monday, 1st November at 6.15pm and it is repeated at 10.15am the day after (Tuesday).  Keith Community Radio broadcasts on 107.7FM and worldwide online at so programmes are far reaching, to say the least!!.

No worries if you miss it because the recording will be posted online after Tuesday, so anyone who misses the radio programme can catch up at anytime.  (This is a free listen again service on Mixcloud).

Well done to the amazing “KGS Reporters” for your hard work in putting this together.

Outfit Moray – Biking Adventures during the School Holidays

Please see information below from Outfit Moray:

Family ‘Fix & Ride’
Thanks to Cycling UK Shift initiative we are able to provide family ‘fix and ride’ days which are aimed at encouraging families to be more self-sufficient with regards to basic maintenance and repairs, helping them save money and feel more confident to get out cycling more together.
The days start with a 2 hour bike basic bike maintenance session, followed by a local, instructor-led ride.
£10 per person
18th, 19th, 30th October
Book here:

Bike Discovery tours
2nd October (Fochabers) & 9th October (Lossie woods)
Book here:
£5 per person (ages 8+)

There’s also our all ability cycling sessions that happen regularly over the weekends in Cooper Park:
Our all ability cycling sessions offer the opportunity for young people, and adults, with additional cycling needs to try out and enjoy cycling with different adapted bikes, including trikes and wheelchair bikes.
2 & 16 Oct, 6 & 20 Nov

£5 per 45 mins session

Book here

**These are not instructional sessions, our goal is that parents/family/carers can come along and use our bikes for a cycling session around the park, maybe with siblings or other family members (no booking required for family members, but please bring your own bikes). We hope that, by making these bikes available, we can encourage and enable more families to get out cycling together.

Thank you!

Karen Cox
Admin & Fundraiser (Community and Corporate)
Outfit Moray, Shore Street, Lossiemouth, Moray, IV31 6PB
| T: 01343 549 571|Mob: 07775 737647|W:

World Photo Day

Welcome back Keith Grammar School!

To celebrate World Photo Day this Thursday, we are kicking off the new term with a Photography Competition.

The theme is ‘The Great Outdoors’.

Think about your local scenery whilst you are out and about…. the weather….nature…the possibilities are endless! You may enter more than one photograph. And there are prizes up for grabs- so get snapping!

Deadline for entries: Thursday 25th August.

Send your photos by email to Miss Garden ( or by tagging @KeithGrammarLCR on Twitter.

World Photo Day 2021 KGS

Good luck!

Let’s get BUZZY…

Soon, we begin our Beekeeping journey at KGS and have some beesuits, tools and beehives ready for use.  (Our new bees are on standby and ready to move in.) What we still need to find is a suitable place to site our apiary  outwith the school ground. Can you please help?

Below is a wish list of what we are looking for, but realistically, we know we may not achieve all of them.

We are looking for a place  :

  • Where the morning sun (even in Winter) will be on the hive entrances.
  • That is not too shaded by Trees, although some trees nearby are fine.
  • That is not too damp, although, ideally with a water supply not too far away.
  • That is not too exposed/sheltered from strong winds.
  • That is (ideally) within walking distance of the school, or within a short distance by minibus.
  • With room (if possible) to park a vehicle not too far from the beehives to transport hives and equipment.
  • That is relatively flat to accommodate up to 5 school children and two teachers (only about 1 or 2 visits each week in summer, less often in Winter).
  • Not too close to commonly visited areas (i.e. discretely tucked away).

If you can tick off just a few points on this criteria, please email me at with a brief description of your proposed site.

Many thanks,

Mrs Allan (PT of Digital Learning)