Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 led to the                 establishment of Parent Councils in primary, secondary and special schools. The Act recognises the vital role that parents play in             supporting their children’s learning. It places a duty on authorities to promote the involvement of parents in children’s education and the wider life of the school. It aims to help parents to be:

  • Involved with their child’s education and learning
  • Welcomed as an active participant in the life of the school
  • Encouraged to express their views on school education generally.

All parents who have a child attending the school are automatically members of the Parent Forum for our school. Membership of the         forum allows parents to have a say in the local arrangements to          enable their collective view to be represented on matters such as the quality and standards of education at the school and other           matters of interest to parents. These views can be represented, as appropriate, to the Head Teacher of the school, the Council and HMIe. The Parent Council, as a statutory body, has the right to              information and advice on matters which affect children’s                      education. The Head Teacher and the local councillor may attend all meetings of the School Council and have the right to speak, although not being members of the Council, have no right to vote. All parents may attend meetings of the School Council and may contribute to the discussion on any topic. However, should a vote be necessary on any occasion, only elected Council members may vote.


There is a very active Social Committee, a sub group of the Parents Group. Regular meetings are held in the school throughout the year. All parents/carers are welcome to attend – details of these meetings will be published in the newsletters.

Various fundraising and social events are organised throughout the year. Previous year’s programme of events included a Hallowe’en Disco, an Easter Disco for all pupils, Winter Wonderland, Primary 7    Leavers’ Dance and family BBQ.

Inverclyde Council

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