Parental Engagement
This is all about supporting pupils and their learning. It is about parents and teachers working together in partnership to help children become more confident and able learners.
Parents, carers and families are by far the most important influences on children’s lives. Evidence has shown that parents who take on a supportive role in their children’s learning make a huge difference in improving achievement and behaviour.
We work hard to involve parents in all aspects of the school. Below are a few activities which we offer here at St John’s Primary.
- Regular phone calls and text message alerts.
- School newsletters and also individual class newsletters.
- Twitter updates
- Shared Learning activities where parents are encouraged to work with their children on a piece of home learning.
- Parents Nights and Reports to discuss achievements and next
- Meet the teacher days
- Families Connect sessions
- Parent Drop in
- Parent workshops on new learning schemes (E.g. Active literacy)
- Homework Club is held on Mondays after school
Parents, carers and families are by far the most important influences in a child’s life. Parents who take on a supportive role in their child’s learning make a difference in improving achievement and behaviour. Your support can play a vital role at all stages of education.
Parents are the first and ongoing educators of their child and, as such, should receive information and support to help develop their child’s learning at home and in the community. At St. John’s Primary we value partnership and see it as essential in developing the learning opportunities for you child.
Parent Councils
Parents’ Forums and Councils give parents and carers the opportunity to have their views represented to the school and education authority on policy matters and decisions affecting the education of their child.
The PTA supports the school through a variety of activities. They are vital to the school as they provide opportunities to involve the pupils throughout the school year. Recent events have been very successful including the Christmeas Raffle, the Halloween Disco and supporting the school in delivering Christmas treats for the pupils. If you can help the PTA in any way please contact the school and your offer will be passed on to a member of the PTA.