Animation Aspirations

Recently we’ve had a World of Work week, where lots people came in and talked about their jobs. This made a lot of us think about the career we would like to have in the future. I’ve decided that I’d like to be an animator.


An animator is someone who creates hundreds of different drawings and puts them together. They then play them one after the other really quickly to create the illusion that they’re moving. This takes a lot of time and hard work and can be very repetitive.

I want to be an animator because I love drawing and creating stories. I got inspired to animate through animations that people have uploaded on YouTube.

To be an animator you need to be good at art, have creativity and a good animation, meet deadlines, have a lot of patience and accuracy and attention to detail. Communication and presentation skills are also essential.

Previously, I couldn’t decide whether I wanted to be an author or artist. I decided that I want to be an animator so I could put my stories into hundreds of different drawings. I’m already animating on an app on my tablet. At the moment, the quality of my animation isn’t very good, but it’s improving and if I keep practicing, my animations might even become as good as Walt Disney’s!

It might get challenging at times if I’d need to get an animation done very quickly or if there’s a lot of movement in the animation, but it’s better to have a challenge every once in a while rather than an easy boring job!

World of Work has taught us that we have to have a job that we love so that it’s as if we aren’t working at all. I love animating and I hope that I get this career in the future!